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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


  • Tennessee is somewhat of an outlier, as its other major cities skew red, though at least in part artificially so. Nashville, for example, is part of three different districts now, the 5th, 6th, and 7th. It’s been lost to gerrymandering. Knoxville, in the 2nd, and Chattanooga in the 3rd are heavily Republican cities.

    The 4th contains conservative-leaning private universities and suburbs of Nashville and Chattanooga.

    The 9th District, colloquially “Memphis” in my previous statement, is the only district in the state that currently has a significantly strong Democratic voter base. If anything, it became even more blue after the 2023 re-districting moved part of East Memphis to the already conservative 8th district.

    Of the districts other than Memphis, the 5th, which can be thought of as the ghost of Nashville, is the closest to even resembling purple; even so, it has a CVPI of R+9.

  • To add to your point regarding additional functions inherent in smartphones: pagers do one thing. They’re relatively simple devices. Simplicity means that there are fewer things that can cause the device to function incorrectly or fail to function altogether. In hospital communications use-cases, this is a huge benefit.

    Additionally, pagers are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it’s much more effective to have multiple spares available for distribution compared to smartphones. If a pager is inoperable, it can quickly be swapped out with a backup while the original is repaired or replaced. Smartphones do not carry that benefit.

  • Regarding weights and measures:

    I don’t think in metric, and there’s a strong possibility that I never will. I came of age in an educational system that taught metric units alongside imperial, but also in a day-to-day world that heavily skews towards imperial units.

    If I see metric units that I can’t immediately interpret in my head, it’s absolutely trivial for me to get the conversion by other means. It’s equally as trivial for someone who uses metric to make the opposite conversion.

    Anyone losing their shit about it is acting performatively.

  • This is the original game. Settlers of Kalguur is the newest league (think “season”) launching at the end of this week.

    PoE 2 goes into early access sometime later this year, whenever that is. Regardless, they’ll be two distinct experiences, with many players planning to devote some time to both.

    If you’re interested in starting PoE, my general advice is that the best time was yesterday. In this case, with a new league starting this week, I’d still encourage anyone to play around in the non-league standard just to get an early feel for things before Friday. PoE has a notoriously steep learning curve, so it’s never too early to log a few hours and experience the opening acts.