So, I migrated to 5.x and I don’t know if it was just me, or a change in the WebUI or something, but Sonarr stopped wanting to pull files in. I’ve been holding out on the Sonarr upgrade because last I looked at it, it wouldn’t auto-migrate you over, etc.
But when I went to upgrade it - it said that now auto-migrates, and it does. However, the old migrated rules looked kinda dirty, so I was panicking a little. The imported/converted stuff all worked, mind you, I just didn’t like how they looked. In the end, I ended up really really liking the new Sonarr system, though I did have to ask an LLM how to format some new regex.
My windows installs (Win 10 IoT Edition) just boot directly to desktop. Dunno what you’ve borked there.