I’m the friend. Curiosity is hot, in every sense of the word.
I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.
The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.
I’m the friend. Curiosity is hot, in every sense of the word.
These are the same people mad at “woke” games for not having white charcters. Their enormous amount of privliage has made them utterly blind to history or context.
I hate it here. 🙃
(as is most biologists) that we are omnivores.
No vegans dispute this. In fact that is a large reason we point that meat is not a necessity to a healthy diet like many claim.
But fundamentally I’m not here to talk about veganism. You are entitled to your own beliefs, I only wanted to provide a complete answer to the “hypocritical vegans” comment that appears in every thread paints feeling pain. While I personally think deciding that things are most “humane” when they are “efficient” for you regardless of the effect it has on others is selfish and motivated reasoning, thus unethical. But this thread nor community is a place to discuss ethics, I clearly illuminated why equating plant rights and animal rights is silly, so frankly I would just like to end the discussion there. Thanks.
If you think pigs, chickens and cows have the same level of awareness and perception as broccoli, tomatoes or potatoes than you’re the potato.
Humans have to eat and with the exception of a few minerals like salt, everything edible to humans is alive on some level. Vegansisn is making an ethical choice about reducing what causes the most pain fear and suffering in another. If I were to develop cancer, a tape worm or a virus should I also allow those living things to thrive as well or does “Uh, now what?” also apply to antibiotics?
Which is totally understandable and justifiable, even if there was no sensitive info on this particular call. Zero tolerance is the reasonable stance, not trying to criticize the firing. Just sorta curious why anyone would bother to record and post it in the first place. Like, wtf were they even thinking?
Was the call noteworthy in someway? Like a prank or something? Or was management just worried about some breach of privacy?
Mafia and Goverment are the same thing at different scales, social order established from a central unit that enforces their will via violence funded by protection money/taxes Just as “cults” eventually become religion at a critical mass, then your fringe beliefs become legitimate church doctrine.
All the rules of the world are made up and only apply if enough people say and act as they apply. Justice is a point of view, not a inherent truth.
Oh… sure, okay, done! My streak will remain at 0.
This was the easiest picket line not to cross.
As not read by Toni Morrison.
“Go lick a dead camel jackass!”
Shouted by a friend at a high school bully from a moving car. 😂
I’m not sensitive to mythology. Couldn’t care less about any of them, 100% atheist. But… are y’all meat eaters okay?Deaming what sentient, and often benevolent kind creatures would taste like is just wild.
While I am a pescatarian, I think biblical angels would be delicious fried
You won’t eat beef, but a literal messenger of the god would be fair game? I know this is a silly hypothetical, but I don’t understand these metrics at all. 😂
I suppose it depends on the rules of this specfic immortality. As someone who lives with chronic pain that literally never feels physically comfortable in any position, immortality sounds like a cruel joke. Not that I’m suicidal or eager to die, but the fact that it would progressively get worse and worse without any sort of end is… horrorific.
Google would therefore have to find more money than exists on Earth to pay Moscow
Well to be fair, I do think it’s plausible that one day Google will indeed control all the money in the world.
But they weren’t talking with Musk, of course.
Maybe. Who am I to judge?
The irony is that those those that aren’t here can’t answer why they left.
No I do not want to join your high three digit polycule.
Well this is genuinely heart warming. Sounds super cute and definitely something they will look back on fondly when they are older.