• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • Yeah if you’re going for trying to get the most bang for your buck, you could consider getting a match set of either 4x8 gig or 2x16 gig ram, an i7 8700 flavor CPU, and upgrade the graphics card from your 1070 to a 3070 or even a 4060, and put in a nice two terabyte SSD

    That would probably run you in the neck of $500.

    If it’s helpful and you want to stick with prebuilt I saw a $900 computer at Costco that had an i7 14700, 32 gigs of ram, a 512 gig SSD and a 4060 in it.

    If 900 is too much, consider going to your local pawn shops. A lot of people have been all floating their 10th and 11th gen computers with 3070s in them and I’ve seen them for sale for sub $500.

  • I mean, you’re not wrong, but it seems like a shopping website that refuses to show you the thing that you are looking for doesn’t want your business.

    Amazon is incredibly bad about this. If I did not have to use it for work, I would not use it at all. I deactivated my prime account 5 years ago and I have not regretted it one second.

    Now though, eBay is doing the same thing and that really sucks. AliExpress also does this. It’s getting to the point where you simply cannot find what you are looking for unless you are so specific that whatever search algorithm they are using simply cannot choose to show you something else about directly explicitly lying to your face.

    And I don’t think that using a third party search engine to find the specific part number of the item you’re looking for so that you can find it on the shopping website that makes its money by selling you the things that you want to buy is a good solution.

  • That’s exactly the kind of information I was looking for!

    I’ll give it a try! You mentioning it made me realize that every time I’ve tried to scream I have been tensing and putting a LOT of compression on my voice, which is probably why I can get so loud. I’ve definitely not tried it without compressing my voice.

    Thank you!

  • I have had many singing lessons, they focused more on proper intonation and breath support, vibrato control, scale memorization, stuff like that.

    I even paid for a good chunk of my college by participating in choir. I’m a dramatic tenor and there’s a recording out there where we’re singing Leonard Cohen’s hallelujah and in a crowd of 80 singers I can be clearly heard over all of the other singers.

    Loud voice. No scream.

    I just want to know how to scream.

  • You are correct. I got the terminology wrong, there’s alcohol and then there’s acetaldehyde, which is a breakdown molecule of the alcohol.

    Too much acetaldehyde can intensify the effects of a hangover and it takes longer to flush it out.

    Drinking more water can help dilute the acetaldehyde or improve your body’s ability to flush it out, but there is no singular hangover cure other than to not drink so much that you get a hangover.

  • Quick note, saying that “because you’re autistic peer pressure doesn’t work on you” is largely true, but there is a flip side to that, in that once an autistic person give in to something they can become monomaniacal about the thing they got into.

    Most of the time, this just means that they develop a very deep understanding and fondness for things like vacuum cleaners or B grade horror movies or whatever happens to be the thing that latches on for them. But on the other hand if the thing they pick is unhealthy, this monomania is a recipe for going off the deep end.

    I have a couple friends who are on the spectrum and one of them went really off the deep end with drugs and ended up getting into heroin.

    We all tried to put a stop to it but they would not listen to our “healthy” peer pressure. It took another one of our friends who had also gotten into heroin ODing and dying in his bathtub to snap him out of it.

    I said all of that to say that if your friends begin to caution you that they think a behavior of yours is unhealthy, step back and give them the benefit of the doubt and really evaluate what you’re doing and what they’re saying.

    It could save your life or prevent it from becoming dramatically worse in some way.

  • I prefer strongly to date women who have a full-time job.

    Every time I have bent that rule it has ended in tears.

    One, my ex-wife never had a full-time job the entire time we were dating or married. She relied on me for all of the money which to a certain degree I was okay with, but also all of her entertainment.

    To her, me coming home from work was an opportunity for us to spend time together, an opportunity to alleviate her boredom.

    And of course, I was working hard so that we would have a happy home, so I get it, but because of that it required me to be “ON” 24/7.

    I couldn’t come home and relax or play video games or have personal time to de-stress because she had been bored all day and wanted company.

    The more I tried to explain this to her, the more upset it made her, the more it made her feel like I thought she was a problem, or that I resented her for not working.

    I tried repeatedly to tell her that she was my wife she was the person I was working to make sure she was happy just that I needed an opportunity to recharge my battery so that I could give it my all and with the current system I could not recharge my battery and I was flatlining.

    I put up with it for years bringing this up on a regular basis, and I guess because I was not a total asshole about it, she just let me keep bringing it up rather than agreeing that something needed to change.

    I wanted her to have a job because when you work it gives you purpose in your life. I wanted her to have a job because when you work it brings extra money into the household, which would have been all her money but she would have had money to spend.

    I wanted her to have a job because it gave her an opportunity to talk to other people and to interact with other human beings and also so that we would be generally at the same energy level when we got home from work.

    A lot easier to recharge with someone who’s also recharging instead of attempting to charge someone who’s depleted while you’re depleted.

    Ultimately it led to our relationship falling apart.

    There were other factors on top of this but we couldn’t address those because the bear in the room was I was completely exhausted and she was fucking miserable and I did not possess the wherewithal to both be a full-time provider for the household and a full-time caretaker for a fully grown adult woman and a good and loving husband and a good friend to her.

    She wanted the Moon and the Sun and the stars and the asteroid belts and the planets and the kuiper belt and the Oort cloud and I made it to the Moon and the Sun and the stars and I just couldn’t make it any farther.

    So yeah, got to have a full-time job to be in a relationship with me. You got to have your own shit going on so that you’re not 100% relying on me to be your end all be all for your entire life because I’m only barely enough for myself and I don’t have enough to take on an entire additional human being on top of that.