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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Shift-left eliminated the QA role.

    Now we have AI generated shit code, with devs that don’t understand the low level details of both the language, and the specifics of the generated code.

    So we basically have content entry (ai inputs) and extremely shitty QA bundled into the “developer” role.

    As a 20 year veteran of the industry, people keep asking me if I think AI will make developers obsolete. I keep telling them “maybe some day, but today’s LLMs are not it. The AI bubble is going to burst, and a few legit use cases will make it through”

  • In general, digital privacy invasions have been very successful because of attrition.

    Most people don’t care, those that do hold out, but then every competitor does the same and you no longer have any real alternatives. Eventually, the hold outs need to replace [car in this case] and the sting of the objectiknable change has faded, and they just move on.

    Rinse and repeat.

    We lost the fight for meaningful net neutrality, basic digital privacy rights, broadband limits, etc.

    They’ll win this one too. Eventually. Your phones and IoT with microphones are already doing it.

  • Also a very litigious society. Even if they mean well, going off the page and trying to figure out a “Haus” solution is just putting themselves at risk.

    They have to check all the boxes for your insurance. They have to check all the boxes for their own malpractice insurance. Even if they followed procedure, they might get dragged through the legal system to defend themselves if a client feels wronged.

    That turns you, the client, into a number in a dispassionated machine.

    And I don’t have a solution to it.

    Edit - that was a bit too bleak. There are a lot of doctors trying their best to retain humanity in a system aimed at destroying it. The whole med school journey is aimed at weeding the people out who are just in it for the money. It’s designed to gatekeep the industry to require a massive amount of passion to get your foot in the door. But the realities of the industry do their best to squash that.

  • That’s a pretty weird rant on EVs.

    The carpool lanes were very under utilized. Hybrids and later EVs were also slow to be adopted, and the state wanted this adoption accelerated due to air quality and just general environmental consciousness.

    So the state decided to add the carpool benefit, which solved two problems.

    Now that EVs are far more abundant, that policy is getting revisited. Which is fair, because the carpool lane can only support so many before it just gets clogged like the main road. And people don’t necessarily need the encouragement to get EVs anymore.

    Nothing is permanent.

  • I have a different brand, but I can see the value. The interface on the small screen on the device I have is very clumsy. Took me a while to figure it out, and I’m very tech savvy. I can see a mobile app being useful, also for notifications so I don’t independently have to set timers.

    Also as a former mobile dev, mobile apps take maintenance to keep up with OS changes over time. And developers are expensive.

    What I imagine happened is that they probably outsourced their app development to a 3rd party, because they make hardware, not software. That contract probably expired, including their ongoing support agreement, and they’ve probably negotiated an hourly rate for support on-demand going forward, maybe with a different 3rd party dev.

    So in all likelihood, they’re just passing the cost for ongoing maintenance on an EOL model to the customer.

    However, that looks absolutely insane from a consumer standpoint.

    I don’t know their Financials, but they may not be big enough to just swallow the cost for brand PR if they’re not selling at a volume and profit margin to be able lose money on old products.

    This is why, even as a dev that used to work in the mobile and IOT space, I tend to purchase dumb devices if there are good options. Smart devices get dumb as soon as the shine has dulled.

  • Nah fam, here in Cali, you get charged extra for solar.

    You’re charged a monthly fee to be able to sell your excess energy back to the grid. But you can’t opt out and disconnect from the grid, because CA regulations require all homes to be connected to the grid (probably for emergencies).

    And pay pennies on the dollar for your excess energy.

    I’ve heard that in fees alone, you still end up paying around $100/mo even if you’re breaking even on energy (excess sold during the day >= grid consumption at night).

    Ohh, and it’s $0.53 / KwH during peak hours. Off-peak is $0.50, saving you a whopping 3 cents per kwh!

    And then there’s super off peak at around $0.22 which is like 10pm-5am (might be off by an hour or two), which is only good to do like one load of laundry before bed, and charge an EV over night.