Once Upon a Time and…?
Once Upon a Time and…?
Penguin has been pretty great so far, but I’m admittedly only 3 episodes in currently.
I’ve always said this job would be great if it weren’t for the fucking customers.
I see. So you don’t live in America. I still stand by what I said because I’m pretty sure that many manufacturers that sell vehicles in your area are cheaper than a Tesla.
Also, why are you getting angry for me pointing out what’s true? You compared Tesla and Ford without specifying where you live and/or availability. If you can’t get a Ford there at all then of course it’s less affordable than a Tesla because it’s not even an option.
If that’s the point then it begs to ask the question of why you even compared the two for your edge case and used a generality of affordability to most “normal people”.
Then you certainly couldn’t buy a Tesla either which is more out of your price range. That’s the point of my response.
TL;DR of this response is that a Tesla is not more affordable for most normal people because what they can purchase is influenced by initial buy in costs/their own budgets at purchase:
Many “normal people” have less than 5K in savings. A model 3 is baseline around $40K plus the infrastructure of chargers you will probably need installed to charge it.
A Ford Bronco Sport or Escape start at 29K and I used them as an example because most Americans are buying SUVs or trucks, not sedans or compacts. No infrastructure needed.
Even with high credit scores, you’re talking at least ~$500 monthly payments even with something like 7K down. I know this because I purchased a new Subaru for about 30K within the past 6 months and my credit score was 815 at the time of purchase and I shopped around for the best APR financing I could get.
You have to remember that long term affordability doesn’t matter. Up front costs are influencing most “normal people” purchases because what you can afford NOW is what you can afford.
As an example of this in action - There’s a reason subscription services see monthly or quarterly as their biggest buy-ins because cheaper up front costs mean more to the consumer who has to invest in the NOW despite the long term being a better deal. I was in marketing for a subscription service and guess what we always sold the most of? If you guessed monthly - have a cookie.
Oontz oontz oontz oontz! Priiiiiiiime numbuh, bay bee!
Should’ve been Wesley for TNG. Funny nonetheless. 😂
Eat slugs, Malfoy!
It’s monitoring your activity and smartly displaying ads. Working as advertised!
Thank you network admin! You’re a hero!
A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head.
Awesome! Thank you for this explanation. So it’s mostly just because it’s a redundancy and specific to a certain distro (Ubuntu in this case)?
I don’t use Linux either, but a quick bit of research tells me it’s like an App Store and software that is specific to Linux. It allows for ease of installing/uninstalling programs but it can can run slow, seems redundant to what flatpaks already does, and isn’t fully fleshed out which leads to weird errors.
I’m guessing it’s because Linux is more hands on and this takes some agency away from users who feel like it might hurt privacy?
That’s what I’m reading anyway. Someone who is more familiar can correct me if I am off base.
I order the club sandwich all the time, but I’m not even a member, man.
Sure, but he literally just gave a speech about it and then proceeds to ignore in roughly less than 30 seconds. 😂
It’s good, but upon re-watching it now from when I first watched it, and thinking a little differently about it - Superman talks about needing to be careful to not hurt people and cause deaths. Then he proceeds to put Darkseid through several buildings that obviously weren’t evacuated, followed by punching him so hard he goes through a couple layers of earth and totally destroys a bunch of infrastructure. He essentially shows his power and ignores everything he just said.
I still love seeing Superman let loose and fuck Darkseid’s shit up though. 😂
Woah woah woah. Hey kids reading this - don’t go chasing waterfalls!
Holy fuck. I miss shittymorph just for his creative responses using this.