If they rerelease FFT, all I ask is the addition of an orchestrated soundtrack and improved summon load times.
If they rerelease FFT, all I ask is the addition of an orchestrated soundtrack and improved summon load times.
GTX 760 Ti --> GTX 1060 Ti --> RTX 3080/RX6750 XT
About Decoy Octopus are you sure it’s not the fight with Psycho Mantis where you’re supposed to change the controller port to be able to hurt him? I can’t find anything about CQC’ing Decoy Octopus.
They also have a very tight tolerance of failure. Every failure made in the engineering process brings more and more scrutiny by those holding the purse strings in Washington.
If you do get an e bike later know that some brands are very bad with reliability and support so you can end up with a $2000 brick on wheels. Case in point: Rad Power Bikes, their batteries can die just a year after purchase even with good maintenance and their support will simply ignore you if you try to claim a warranty repair/replacement.
The Zacua only goes up 85kph. While it may be good for intra city driving it may not be ideal for much else, even in Mexico with somewhat lower max road speeds.
You know LoRa hardware is getting cheaper and the reliability of these TVs are just terrible. This is likely to happen sooner rather than later. For now just don’t plug it in to WiFi unless you’re willing to go further and desolder its module? I don’t think we can do much via legislation other than write to our congressional reps.
What happens when it no longer needs your WiFi and uses something like LoRa to phone home with your data and location? It may not know who you are exactly but it’ll have a good guess.
I’m sure we can all agree this guy’s position wouldn’t even have existed if Ubisoft wasn’t so damn greedy for every extra cent they can take from their customers.
Pretty sure it’s a closed loop surveillance CRT TV used in security rooms of yesteryear. You can even see a small handle at the front meant to fit inside a rack for an array of them.
It’s already started for me today. Teams now snitches on those who are remote and there’s no way to shut it off. My status is no longer just “Available”, it’s now “Available, Out of office”. Fuck Microsoft!
Those books were always in Costco but I never saw their stacks get short. My guess is a couple organizations collaborating with O’Reilly buy copies of it in bulk and ship them straight to a landfill.
It kind of makes sense. People who love Trump don’t exactly have the patience to watch a documentary to begin with.
The game was a lot of fun. The only issue I had with it was how the endings branch out. I won’t go into too much detail but let’s say I didn’t expect a seemingly benign choice leading me to become such an asshole.
The prohibitions in question would include vehicles with certain bluetooth, satellite and wireless features as well as highly autonomous vehicles that could operate without a driver behind the wheel.
Chinese vehicles sold in the US would have the same internet connectivity as a base 2007 Honda Civic. Surveillance by the Chinese would be practically impossible with those limitations. You know who gets a pass on installing everything from internet connected cabin-facing cameras, accelerometers, microphones, and GPS tracking? US-based auto manufacturers!
That’s right, they can and will take all the data they have about you and sell them to data brokers. Enjoy paying a higher insurance premium because you braked too hard one time. Did your shiny new GM’s shitty drivetrain give out on you because their engineering is garbage and you want to claim the warranty for repairs? Too bad, you accelerated a little too hard that one time to get out of the way of a speeding truck and now they claim it was your bad driving that broke it.
I get you hate the CCP, most of us do (except the tankies here but they’re a special case) but until we rein in the lazy and corrupt domestic vehicle industry it’s gonna be a hard fight to get rid of Chinese vehicles encroaching on the market even with 100% tariffs.
Nice to know Chinese EVs will be the choice for privacy-minded individuals in the US soon. Being cheaper than western brands is a nice big fat cherry on top.
Someone had to have signed off on a mission assurance spec waiver if they’re leaking a lot of EMI. If they didn’t check with the FCC on this they might be in big trouble. Who am I kidding? This was probably done with their blessing.
It helps if you barely ever play Ubisoft games to begin with. BOTW and Horizon are just about all I can take for that style of map design.
It was more literal than that IIRC. The gods were pissed at first but chilled out once the smells of the mortals cooking meat went up to Olympus. The only guy to suffer was poor Prometheus; condemned to have his liver eaten by an eagle as he remains chained to a mountain side.
I played Triangle Strategy and for sure it’s a solid game. My only gripe is with the non-linear story, especially when I can’t convince the rest of my party to go along with my decision. Because of that I ended up losing interest halfway through the campaign unfortunately.