RoomAndBored [he/him, any]

hello weary traveller. please won’t you sit amd rest a while

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • All g. We probably wouldn’t call them buzzwords, since that implies that they’re ephemeral or faddish.

    More often than not we’re using terminology that is specific to the left, or defined differently in leftist academia and discourse to the common usage (see, liberal, imperialism, etc.).

    If you’re unsure about the meaning of a given word, it’s worth searching online first, then asking further in your replies if it still doesn’t make sense. Citing your sources is invaluable so you and your interlocutor can interrogate the same info and talk from the same page. We have a (relatively inactive) comm for these types of questions too, and a space for neurodiverse members too.

    I don’t have autism so feel wary giving specific advice on how to navigate. However I do find that signalling -why- you are asking a certain question (as you have done elsewhere in this thread), and providing further context, can help people understand your thinking behind a given comment or post, and may help against them assuming the worst and responding with a knee jerk reaction. We get many people trying to cause trouble (‘wreckers’) and some people consider it better to shoot first and ask questions later, since it saves time if the person turns out to be malicious.

    I was fortunate to have lurked for a very long time, way back to r/srs and the r/srs rehab equivalent comm. It’s been a long journey but I’m glad you’re asking the same question I had around then, as it shows self awareness.

    Have a good one.

  • No worries. I’m glad we could resolve this. Please try to engage with the other comments in this thread with the same approach you afforded me. I assure you that each and every other poster in this thread is motivated first and foremost to dismantle harmful tropes.

    We usually resort to ridicule and close ranks after people show no intent to engage with any one of us sincerely, like for example when posters ignore one person’s effortful response, only to take issue with another’s elsewhere in the thread.

  • Hey mate, I’m glad that we can agree that it’s racist. Whether it’s dated (replaced by other slurs) or not is a moot point, since its current usage as a term meaning ‘backwards’ calls upon the same racist tropes of barbarism and tribalism amongst black people.

    If you’ve been able to avoid seeing the term used explicitly in this way til now, consider yourself fortunate, and now you are aware of its racist origins and current usage, please reconsider your advocacy of the word.

  • It really depends, I think. I love dogs, unfortunately my experience with them in the workplace (for me, the office) has been negative on the balance when they’re a regular feature.

    My boss at one job brought in his Doberman cross, it would always hang out in the room me and my coworkers used, and would fart regularly and copiously. The room wasn’t ventilated, and the boss’s solution was to come in and spray a half can of air freshener if we complained. It smelt as bad as you’d imagine. I loved patting and walking the dog during down time, but damn, it was stinky.

    That being said, if the workspace were larger, and ventilated, I’d be totally on board.