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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Hell no.

    Are you u all living in rosy mc Rosewood Santa’s little safe harbour everything is fine and dandy rainbow world? Or are you all lying through your teeth?

    Letting someone in your home with clearly visible psychological issues, in your circle of trust, filled with those you hold most dearly and packed with your dearest memories, that place… And then letting someone in you know nothing about?

    Hell fucking no.

    In the real world letting some rando homeless dude in your home has a 50/50 chance of ending up in crazy town. There is a high probability that you, yours or your stuff get fucked up. I cannot and will not accept those odds. Even a 2% chance of shit happening is a risk I’m unwilling to take when it comes to my kids.

    Would I help him? Maybe. It depends on some factors (like can I at that specific time, did I help him out earlier, do I have cash on hand) Would I let him in? No f-ing way.

    So real answer: money: maybe, eat & drink: anytime. Clothes: I’ve got some you can have, no problem. Bath and clean: nope. Never.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Why the downvotes: because you’re clearly the asshole. Or isn’t this /amitheasshole?

    Yes, older people have views from the past. That’s because they are older people. Yes, older people bitch and whine. That’s because friends and spouses are dead by now, they feel alone and forgotten. Yes, older people are not always nice. That’s because things you don’t even think about, like putting on clean socks or taking a shit by yourself have become hard, for some even impossible to do on their own and/or without pain leaving them with a feeling of loss and even regret for living that long.

    On top of that they’re literally waiting to die. And let’s not forget dementia.

    Now, maybe your granny is younger like 60 something, but still…

    Your response to the situation lacks a lot of empathy and respect. Without this person you wouldn’t be sitting there, scrolling through anime titties you clearly like just not always.

    And lastly: you will be her in 40-60 years. (i don’t know how old you are) You will be alone, your body will falter, your (grand) children will be uninterested in you. Etc.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Hold up, hold up. “on linux such a thing doesnt exist” is a very bold statement for something containing millions of lines of code.

    There where and will be more then enough zero days in Linux, be it because of malice or incompetence.

    Open source doesn’t say anything about the quality of the code.

    Ever heard of log4j? Open source code…

  • If you watch, binge, all seasons se08 becomes more logical. There are small markers all over the series predicting it all. I didn’t pickup those at first (weekly) watch.

    I say more logical, not logical.

    Se01-se06 are still TV magic. Se07 (dany’s attack on the lannister convoy comes to mind) still is good and se08 just speed runs everything.

    I still think that was their only true mistake: speed running the season. It gave us everything we wanted. But in such a way nobody could enjoy it all. Jaime finally becoming true good only to return to his true love? (some very powerful acting there) Check. The long night? Check. End of the night king? Check. Ice dragon? Check. Arya voyage finally given meaning? Check. Jorahs redemption? Check. Cleganebowl? Check. Cersei dies? Check. Return of the mad king queen? Check. Theon’s redemption? Check. Destruction of kings landing? Check. Etc etc etc. It ticks all the boxes and more you didn’t even know they existed. It’s just that it ticks them in such an insane speed which results in gaps in the storytelling. Gaps of which some are filled if you binge it all but most will not.

    Se08 had to be 2 seasons. Season 8, ending with the long night, se09, the fall of the red keep.

    Yes, the 2nd dragon had to die for the sake of the story. Missandei had to die to cement Cersei being the baddest cruel bitch and complete dany’s arc to insanity. But like this? That was stuff for an entire episode. Not the final three minutes of one.

  • Im with the earlier “yeah… No.”


    “If people can take case-dependence for passwords”

    They cant now do they ? If they could passwords would be a-okay and there wouldn’t be any need for stickies on monitors, password managers, biometrics, SSO, MFA and passwordless authentication.

    The dumbest idea in computing is assuming everyone is as smart as you.

    They aren’t. Why isn’t *nix any bigger? Here’s your answer. People are stupid.

    Why did IT only finally took off with windows 3.11? because people could understand that. Barely. Most of us where way to dumb for everything which came before.

    Why does ipv6 acception takes so long? Because people are stupid and don’t get it. Nobody really gets hex. So they just stay with what they can read and more or less get. Even the hardest part of ip4, subnetting, has an easy way out: just add in there and it works. Doesnt work? Keep replacing 255 with zeros and eventually it will. Subnetting on ipv6? No idea. Let’s just disable ipv6 on the internal lan and leave everything on ipv4. Zero migration, zero risk, zero training needed.

    Why do so many companies only go half assed into cloud? Because they don’t get it.

    Powershell? Only half, a third even, of the admins truly get it.

    I could go on.

    Succes is build on simplicity.

  • Well, it’s especially jarring if you’ve played a lot of cyberpunk. Cyberpunk does away with loading screens. Cyberpunk discussions with npcs are flowing directly from the gameplay. You’re talking.

    Starfield? Starfield struggles with everything. Emtpy cities with only a few npcs walking around. Enter a building: loading screen. No cars or other vehicles. Flying your ship feels… Weird. Enter your ship? Loading screen/fade to black. Enter the pilot seat? Fade to black and loading animation. Boring fetch quests. Talk with an npc? The game stops and puts the npc in your face. Fast travel here, fast travel there.

    It was acceptable a decade ago. But now? I barely made it 20 hours in. I know i only scratched the surface but Cyperpunk, for all its flaws (and there arent many left) was and still is a way better ARPG. I dislike rockstar games, I don’t know why, but gta4 and red dead2 are way better then this.

    As an Elite dangerous refugee it’s saddening that this game also doesnt live up to its promise. Because just like with elite dangerous, you feel that if they just did those few things different, if they just made some other design decisions it would have been one of the best games ever. But they didnt. And that grandness stays just out of reach. Only a promise of what could have been.

  • You know what really abouts the flying f out of me?

    Even if I start with something quite heavy like system of a down, ace of spades or whatever it always ends up after half an hour with ballads, soft rock and what have you. Elevator music.

    Why. Why? Wasn’t I clear ? I want metal. And lots of it. That’s what i started with. Not muzak. Stay with the genre. Not jump them.

  • The question, the problem with crypto, is not how, it’s why?

    It isn’t about if we can or cannot. It’s about the usecase of it all.

    For now, the only use case crypto has is wel… Betting. It’s hard to call it anything else like speculation.

    You would be out of your mind to use it as a currency. The worth of crypto is too volatile. Even black market usage is problematic due to this. (did i just buy a pound of coke for 50k or 100k? Who knows? I guess we see tomorrow)

    It also is too slow to use as a currency; the transaction times are off the charts compared to other forms.

    It also is the most wasteful form for storing wealth.

    It’s also the most risky way for storing wealth. The amount of hacks and scams are insane.

    It, in its current form will never be a legal tender. Currency is about control for governments, to devalue or not, to prop up the economy, boosting it or easing it down when needed and crypto doesn’t provide that. So to use that wealth you’ll always need an exchange. A third party. Which, recent history has thought us, are very prone to abuse and regulation. they can be banned overnight. (China comes to mind)

    It’s a solution. The question is for what. The popularity of it all is based on 2 things : greed and the fear of missing out. (which again boils down to greed)