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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I’ve been thinking about this a bit more, and I realized that I talk to other people the way I talk to myself. This probably wouldn’t be a problem if I weren’t so critical of myself.

    I think I need to not only put in the effort to reread the things I write when communicating with others, but also to just be kinder to myself in my internal monologue.

    I spend too much time being frustrated inside my own head, and that makes it easy to use that same tone when I’m interacting with other people.

    Thanks for sharing your advice. I think verbalizing my thoughts the way you suggested will be really helpful.

  • Absolutely true, but it’s also more difficult to ask a good question when you don’t know anything about what you’re asking.

    People who know a lot about a topic can ask very good questions about that topic.

    The problem I see with most questions people post online is that they make too many assumptions that their audience will will magically understand the context of their question.

    Good questions require relevant context.

    Determining relevancy requires expertise.

    Expertise comes from experience.

    No matter how many questions you ask and answers you get you’ll never “understand” something until you do it.

    Instead of asking questions like “How do I do X?” people should be asking “I’m trying to accomplish X, I’ve tried Y, but I’m encountering Z. How could I resolve this?”

    I guess my rule is that you should never ask someone a question without first trying to answer it yourself.

  • It’s my belief that everyone is a masochist to a certain degree, and those who don’t realize it are in denial.

    I drive a vehicle that burns gasoline and contributes to pollution. I purchase products that come in plastic packaging. I participate in an economy that can only exist by taking advantage of people in other countries where labor is “cheaper.” These are all things that I enjoy doing even though I know they’re inflicting suffering on people.

    If I don’t do these things I pretty much won’t be able to function in society. And I certainly wouldn’t be able to contribute anything that I think is valuable.

    One option would be to end myself, but that would inflict suffering on all my friends and family.

    Another option would be to believe that the good I’m doing will outweigh the suffering I inflict on other people.

    I’m interested in your thoughts on this. Do you think it’s possible to live a life where you don’t inflict suffering on anyone else?