Or start stapling posters places.
Or start stapling posters places.
Gender inequality isn’t solved via paperwork. If anything that would make pay equity even harder to achieve.
And they are an energy source for the good microbes there too.
Gotta get those microbial micronutrients.
Well, physical scrubbing, sure. But also, specific fibers are required for a healthy gut microbiome to function and maintain a proper balance of microbes that produce other micronutrients that your body cannot make on its own as well as fending off the types of microbes that subsist of sugars and fats alone.
Smoothies with a proper dietary balance still have fiber. So yeah.
But even beyond that, waste products from the gut microbiome, and left over bits that the body doesn’t use. Best case scenario, you would have small, liquid poops.
Your best bet? Intravenous feeding. Not that Drag has any intention of doing this.
The movie Trick 'r Treat, scaring the neighborhood kids, and blowing out all the jack o lanterns at 12:01.
And leave out a bowl of milk and a tray of candies for the demons/fairies overnight.
Haha. It’s always a vibe. Saw a little kid dressed as the warden from Minecraft and I pretended to have the darkness effect and gave him a wad of mini crunch bars. I think he was super happy to get recognized!
And they aren’t hard and fast rules. Just a sliding scale. And after being on candy duty for the last 15 years, you kinda just internalize it.
Plus, Halloween is all about the rules. Say trick or treat. Don’t blow out your pumpkin before midnight so the demons don’t get ya. Always check your candy.
There are rules for my parents house. I give out the candy there and we go through like 30 pounds of it in a night.
Not Saying Trick or Treat? No Candy. (EDIT: If they don’t say it, I always ask them “What do you say?” Which is funny too. Sometimes they go through “Thank you” “Happy Halloween” then finally get to “Trick or Treat.” Then they do get their appropriate amount of candy.)
Saying Trick or Treat with no costume? One candy, low tier.
Trick or Treat with Costume? 2 pieces, probably some chocolate.
Trick or Treat with High Effort or Very Unique costume I haven’t seen 10 of all night? 3-4 pieces def some chocolate and a ring pop.
Within that, older siblings escorting younger? Extra piece + glow stick.
Family Costume Set? Extra piece and my mom takes a picture of them.
I scare the shit out of you when I rip the door open? Extra piece?
I scare you and you cry? Extra chocolate.
Babies? Mom deserves an extra piece.
Truck bros park in the dead center of 4 spots.
Apparently the client I was using didn’t render codeblock markdown. Thanks for the pointer. Found a better client.
Requires ffmpeg and imagemagick
# Check if input video file is provided and exists
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_video>"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$input_video" ]; then
echo "Error: Input video file not found."
exit 1
# Get video duration in seconds (floating-point)
duration=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$input_video")
# Check if the duration was successfully extracted
if [ -z "$duration" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not retrieve video duration."
exit 1
# Calculate fps as 20 frames divided by the duration
fps=$(echo "20 / $duration" | bc -l)
# Create a directory to store frames
mkdir -p frames
# Extract 20 frames from the video using the fps filter
ffmpeg -i "$input_video" -vf "fps=$fps,scale=200:-1" -frames:v 20 "frames/frame_%02d.jpg" -loglevel error
# Create the collage using ImageMagick's montage tool
montage -mode concatenate -tile 5x4 -geometry +2+2 frames/frame_*.jpg output_collage.jpg
# Clean up temporary files (delete frames directory)
rm -r frames
echo "Collage created: output_collage.jpg"
Why, of course they are!
Same as Sprint! And then when the deal is complete and all the promises made and contracts signed, they will start firing the highest paid/longest tenured employees at T-Mobile for cost savings while jacking up prices with new plans with the same features every 6 to 8 months and promotional phone pricing only for those new plans.
I should know. I was a store manager for 5 years. Before and after sprint merger.
T-Mobile was always a shit company with a bombastically marketed CEO that was all Packing Cracking et al. Reduce and replace is a scam. They lie and say they don’t have the device if you don’t buy accessories in store.
Wanna know how to get the phone?
Start picking out your accessories, have them grab your phone from the back, once they start the phone sale process, say you have changed your mind on your accessories. If they then say you can’t buy it, call the corporate 611 number and ask for a bill credit for deceptive practices and report the store. Then go and report to the FCC for bill stuffing.
Never use a third party store. They are even griftier.
He does. Frequently.
“Buy commemorative coins, crypto, watches and Bibles to own the libs!”
I’ve seen my grandma’s email.
It’s part of the attempt to more accurately define Avogadro’s number and the kilo.
Right? Didn’t they define the kilogram, make identical copies of the standard, sent them to different countries, then after years, reunited them and found they all diverged in mass?
And now they have made a perfect silicon sphere with the same mass as the standard kilogram, then counted all the atoms. So now we know the exact mass in silicon atoms of a kilo.
Let’s just define tagliatelle in light nanoseconds and be done with it.
Any headline pumping site, I always go find the original cited article. I trust the researchers who did the thing over someone who has a minor understanding and a good domain name.
Tho, I do like the articles on phys.org. They often seem to have direct quotes from the authors of the research, like they actually spoke to someone. But they are less space focused and more general science news from across the spectrum.
Twitter dies when advertisers realize there’s no money in paying to advertise there. The moment it becomes more advantageous to pay for the ads somewhere else, it collapses.