• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I use brave and think it’s the best browser available, so I’m not arguing against it or anything, but technically it just supports use of the onion protocol, it does not provide the same full suite of protections that the tor browser does

    As Brave says themselves:

    For users who currently require leakproof privacy, we recommend using the Tor Browser, which provides much stronger and well-tested protection against websites or eavesdroppers using advanced techniques to uncover a true IP address.


  • I’ve barely used mine. I just didn’t think through what use case I’d have for it and bought it since it was cool. I don’t travel much and I usually only want to game when I’m home anyway, where I use my main gaming rig. I thought I would use the deck in bed, but I find that it’s not as enticing as I thought it would be

    been meaning try and sell it while it’s still got some value tbh, it’s basically brand new even though I’ve had it for nearly a year

  • Vivaldi is not fully open source, Brave Browser is.

    there is no reason to switch from Brave Browser based on this article, it’s not even about Brave Browser, its about Brave Search, and nothing in the article affects users in any way or gives any reason to switch from Brave. Not to mention half the article is retracted now that Brave responded.

    The author has no idea what they’re talking about. It’s just a website owner complaining about Brave Search having a summarizer feature so you don’t have to read through 20 paragraphs to get to the important info on websites, same as Google and DDG’s Featured snippets/quick answers. It’s not even shady, it’s a useful feature.

  • just a few counter points:

    • brave is open source too

    • AI copyright precident has not been set by courts, there is no precident for any of this. i don’t see why this is such a big deal you’d stop using their search.

    • As a pirate, I think copyright law is bullshit anyway and holds us back as a species. Most copyright law is outdated and stunts creativity and innovation

    • most people only care if it affects them. which this does not. it is relevant because that is how people operate if they’re not virtue signaling

    • there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. every large organization does some shady shit. Brave in comparison to most hasn’t done anything to warrant such a huge campaign against them. maybe some criticism, sure.

    • I meant brave is the only good alternative to Google. all the others have terrible results. Brave is almost as good as google

    • and I’m not defending a corporation, I am just tired of Firefox fans jumping on any small thing and making a mountain out of a molehill to try and save their dying browser market share

    • also no idea why you think I’m angry about this. I’m just annoyed at the constant Firefox circlejerk/astroturfing campaign

  • Don’t let the Firefox fanboys cloud your judgement with their constant shilling. Most of the claims in the article have been retracted after Brave responded, and the issue didn’t affect users anyway.

    Also, Brave is a completely independent search engine now, which is why they have web crawlers like the guy in the article is complaining about. And speaking of a distributed crawler, Brave Browser has an opt-in feature for that where sites you visit will be indexed by Brave Search.

    Brave Search is the only real contender to be an actual competitor for Google Search, but these Firefox fanatics have such a hate boner for Brave they just want to see it fail. All of their arguments against Brave really aren’t serious and don’t affect users at all.