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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Battlerite and OmegaStrikers

    Kind of like that, I got into them as they were thriving, since it was on beta/release, but they died very quickly afterwards and it is a shame because nothing captures that feel for me, I like short burst competitive games like that, but I guess people generally aren’t into stuff like that.

    E: And actually one more like that, the goatest of them all tbh, just been so long that i forgot about it, but this is one that is an awesome idea for anyone looking for some fun friend group comp game:


    This last one is a damn shame, because there really is nothing like it.

  • I am not saying I, or others, do not have that desire. But why would they want to spend 8 hours a day being miserable to be barely able to afford those things? If a person has any ability to delay gratification, I do not see why they would work for a subpar wage, especially at a job that sucks. Which is why wages must be more competitive to to be able to sustain a workforce under a UBI system.

    Hell, and its not even just jobs that suck per se. I would quit being a doctor and probably go back to landscaping if all I needed was lifestyle money. The pay was good enough for that sort of a thing and the work was super chill. Granted this is partly because medicine doesn’t pay as well as it ought to over here, but that is kind of the point. Why would I do something for inadequate pay when I can do something else for adequate pay?

  • If no one is willing to work for $4/hour for spending money, then no one will. The business needs to adapt or die, not the citizen needing to cope or die.

    I mean… yea? They need to adapt their wages… to be more competitive and attract employees who now don’t need to work to survive…

    That doesn’t make any sense. Why would a job have to pay you more when your basic necessities are covered? It’s literally extra fucking around money. It’s life stylemoney, not living money.

    Because employees can choose not to work for shit money, they can take time to find something more chill or spend time to elevate their qualifications.

    Imagine all your essenital expenses are paid. Are you going to not do any work, or are you going to go do a job so you can afford a better lifestyle?

    Again, a supermarket would have to pay a decent chunk over minimum wage for me to consider every going there for leisure/lifestyle money.