Ah, typical human problems that disrupt regular power generation is somehow specific to solar?
Nah, wars and climate change fuck with the grid already, just ask texas. Or north carolina. Or palestine.
And panel degradation is wildly over exaggerated.
My old as fuck mono crystalline panels (I have owned for ten years, and they were outdated when I got them) still kick literally 99% of their sticker rated juice. Even when dirty. They’re dirty right now. I’m not bothering to clean them, cuz they still kick every volt they say they will.
They also literally produce all of the electricity my entire household needs.
And yeah, I probably pwned your ass at fortnite or rocket league or something
On solar power
My battery powered router is smarter than your bullshit
Went on a spontaneous trip very recently.
Spent a little more money than I’m comfy with.
Truck sprung some issues.
Saw some things I would never have seen otherwise. Some beautiful things, creatures, happenings, and places.
I’ll fix the damn truck. Make the money back (or so)
Is it risk, or are you just being a pussy? Yeah, the human world sucks, but you don’t need all the garbage they sell you, and there’s worthwhile experiences you won’t get with your nose stuck down to the grindstone.
I bet you risk your life, limbs, and liberty every single day driving into work.
I’ve had multiple friends die driving. They never thought THAT was a risk.
Go somewhere you don’t plan to. It aint gonna last forever