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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • They cannot.

    EU safety rules specifically forbid sharp edges (kudos to the visionary who thought about including that one…).

    Additionally, it’s weight is absolutely ridiculous, to the point that you cannot drive it with a standard B licence (you need at least C1, which requires specific classes and written + driving exams).

    Not to mention, many streets simply cannot accommodate a car so large, and there’s zero parking space for such a monstrosity in most city centers…

    Edit: actually I’m not sure if Iceland included these specific EU rules, so maybe they can actually sell it there?..

  • Some people seem to have this misconception that “0F cold 100F hot” is somehow an innate or intuitive concept for everyone. It’s not, brother, you just happen to be used to it. I have absolutely no idea if I should wear a coat with 62F or not, or for any other F temperature for that matter.

    At least 0C and 100C have very practical references that anyone can recognise, but what the hell even is 0F and 100F?

    Also, not sure why you’re trying to shoehorn 0-100F to 0-100C.

    When talking about weather, it’s going to be in a range like 0C (cold) / 20C (nice) / 40C (hot), which is equally arbitrary but probably more useful than 0F/50F/100F anyway depending on where you live: my neck of the woods goes to 0C in a harsh winter, and to 40C in the peak of summer.

    And do you use F for stuff like cooking? What purpose is 0F or 100F there?

    How about stuff like chemistry or physics? I remember formulas in C or K, occasionally having to add 273.5. Is F used, or you just use K/C and convert at the start?

  • I feel like you missed the point.

    Webengines are not more complex than a full OS, and yet, Linux works as a community driven project and Chromium does not.

    The difference is that Linus is the one with final say in Linux, and he never sold out to a company. Chromium is Google.

    It will never be a “community” project, because Google pumps so many resources into it. The goal is obvious: to make sure that it’s always ahead of any competitors, and anyone willing to catch up would have to match Google spending.

    The brilliant move here by Google was making it open source. This ensures that no other megacorp needs to fight them, as long as their interests are aligned.

    Edge has died already. Safari will follow. The future is grim.

  • and what is their endgame? “Developers are releasing cheats that emualate a mouse. Therefore Riot needs to use a camera to record your hand”?

    You mean a device that physically operates the mouse? I don’t know, I don’t work for riot, but this is done in online chess - to participate in some tournaments with money prizes you need 2 webcams.

    If everybody is jumping off a roof, so should Riot?

    No, the question is if this discussion also cover all other anticheats that use kernel mode, or is here anything that is League-specific?

    Isn’t the whole point of anti-cheat to survey the computer? If you aren’t getting anything new, then why even use a kernel-level anticheat?

    This is just splitting hairs on semantics, isn’t it? From the moment the app is running in user space, it could collect a huge amount of user info, but it can’t look for kernel-level cheat software.

    Note that I don’t play league, I could care less about the game or the developer, I’m just interested in the privacy vs cheating aspect of the conversation.