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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • According to tldr.chat:

    Toolbx now supports the use of the proprietary NVIDIA driver in containers without the need to recreate them or use special options. This is achieved through the use of NVIDIA Container Toolkit to generate a Container Device Interface specification on the host, which is then shared with the Toolbx container’s entry point. The use of “nvidia-ctk” and “podman create” is not currently implemented due to root access requirements and the inability to update existing containers. The delay in enabling this support was due to the need for hardware access for testing, which was facilitated by Red Hat providing a ThinkPad P72 laptop with a NVIDIA Quadro P600 GPU.

    Toolbx now supports proprietary NVIDIA driver in containers
    NVIDIA Container Toolkit generates Container Device Interface specification on the host
    Use of "nvidia-ctk" and "podman create" not implemented due to root access requirements and inability to update existing containers
    Delay in enabling support was due to the need for hardware access for testing, facilitated by Red Hat providing a ThinkPad P72 laptop with a NVIDIA Quadro P600 GPU

  • Let’s agree to disagree then. An LLM has no notion of semantics, it’s just outputting the most likely word to follow up to what it’s already written and the user’s input.

    On the contrary, expert systems from back in the 90s for, say, predicting the atomic structure of an element, work like a human brain on steroids. It features an arbitrary large search tree that the software knows how to iterarively prune according to a well known set of chemical rules. We do the same when analyzing a set of options.

    Debugging “current” AI models, on the other hand, is impossible because all we’re doing is prescripting a composition of functions and forcing it to minimize a loss function. That’s all we’re doing. How can you currently tell that a certain model is going to work? Unless the mathematical theory ever catches up with the technology, we’ll never know until we execute the code.

  • I think that Ready Player One was terribly ported from the book format to the movie. The book went so much more over the top than the movie did, the latter turning down on a lot of nerd aspects. Having said that, different formats need different ways for conveying the same idea. The main character would literally get a “+1 blazing sword” in the book. +1. As if it were an MMO or something.

    Having said that, Dune (book and movie) were terrible. The movie felt plagued with references to stuff I didn’t get. Only recently did I read the book just to find it was as uninteresting as the movie.

    I’ll never forget those opera singers singing right to my ears when a ship would land… Now that’s a way to startle a person.

    On the bright side, reading the book has allowed me not see the second part of the movie.