TLDR: They use names.
The elephants reinvented paywalls??!?!
That is indeed deeply human.
Elephant piracy is especially challenging as they never forget and thus can recreate works after one viewing.
“You wouldn’t (not-so-random-trumpeting) a car would you?”
Don’t you know? Science is only for those who subscribe to journalists.
I hate it when posts contain paywalled articles. What’s the fucking point in sharing?
Community rules should deny locked-away content.
Some other communities have a “have it accessible, if not on the link, provide an unlocked alternative link too”.
Enough post content can also allow discussion. But locked away linked content certainly doesn’t.
They use names. Or rather, calls that seem like names.
Humans do something very Elephant.
Of course, it’s a bit of a petty detail. And is equally valid both ways.
But really goes to show how humanity has got so much wrong. We again and again discover animals doing things we have classed as uniquely human.
In every way, we decide humans are unique amongst animal spices. Seems to fail if we wait long enough.
And before any vegans use this to make some argument. Your choices are yours. But I am yet to see any other animal spices shame members for the diet they evolved eating. So maybe that will be the unique way to measure humanity that lasts. Because eating meat. Or even treating it with cruelty, ain’t one. if you doubt it, look at the insects that breed inside living animals. Many imprisoning the creature as their children grow, then eat it alive.
As much as I’d rather humanity be caring. This is not your argument against meat eaters.
Upvote for recognizing these ridiculous and unfounded human prejudices. Downvote for the random defensive rant against vegans.
Paywall removed