radion is an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash.
Radion can be customized as far as the station selecting program is concerned. The user can choose between:
- read
- fzf
- rofi
- dmenu
Update: Introduced new feature: customizing prompt text for fzf dmenu and rofi.
Update: MacOS support added now thanks to Andrea Schäfer
Also, I was forced by my daughter to add some anime radio stations…
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Of course, next time I feel like writing a script, I will make sure that I let you know first, and get your approval.
respectfully, why did you write it in bash? for the challenge?
This script could might as well be an one-liner. It was simple and easy.
Yeah right, that’s what my co-worker said writing the most obscure bash scripts… *looks at code Ah, it is easy and well structured indeed. Nice :-) .
I know this feeling! However this script in its essence is quite simple…
Maybe simple to Chris Angel and his magic.
Try this, it is less pretty, but in essence, the same:
cat ~/.cache/radion/stations.txt |fzf|awk '{print $1}'|xargs mpv
Sorry, I was mainly trying to say, “Good job, it’s impressive!” Your name is close to the name of a famous magician, so I was referring to your code as magic. Bit of a dumb joke.
That’s the least you can do.
I like how people I don’t know insist on telling me what to do. Actually, I like the part where I ignore them.
Dude, I was trying to be funny. Feel absolutely free to ignore me.
Oh, no problem 😀