radion is an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash.
Radion can be customized as far as the station selecting program is concerned. The user can choose between:
- read
- fzf
- rofi
- dmenu
Update: Introduced new feature: customizing prompt text for fzf dmenu and rofi.
Update: MacOS support added now thanks to Andrea Schäfer
Also, I was forced by my daughter to add some anime radio stations…
Maybe simple to Chris Angel and his magic.
Try this, it is less pretty, but in essence, the same:
cat ~/.cache/radion/stations.txt |fzf|awk '{print $1}'|xargs mpv
Sorry, I was mainly trying to say, “Good job, it’s impressive!” Your name is close to the name of a famous magician, so I was referring to your code as magic. Bit of a dumb joke.
Hey, I am glad you like it ;)