• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Also, there are lots of KB stls out there. OP printed this one, and thought it was good enough to share (and I agree). So, it’s useful to know which particular one they used. And, if it’s not their stl, then linking is a way of giving credit to the stl author too. One more point: any issues or adjustments they made, for that particular stl, are useful to know (like they posted below, finally).

    I see the OP did update with the stl below. But I wanted to post here to say it’s just good manners to add a reference for the specific stl of a print that was good enough to share.

  • Here’s something that took me a while to realize and I haven’t seen mentioned much: check where the start/stop points are on each layer (z-seam) and adjust so that they’re not right on parts of the model that are small or need to be more precise (teeth, threads, hinge bumps, etc). I was having a real hard time with some print-in-place hinges, and the problem was that the layers were starting right near the hinge. The finer details were getting globbed up with the bit of extra filament there. Once I moved the z seam, it printed like a charm.

  • Is this a rhetorical question? One very very strong password that is never passed to a third party, managing a separate passwords that do have to be sent over the internet, is definitely a better strategy. It makes 2FA redundant for the majority of standard threat models, and that’s why bitwarden includes support for those timings too.