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Cake day: February 7th, 2024


  • yeahiknow3@lemmings.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    I think that presupposes an idealised [sic] state of human development that can be deducted from.

    If you don’t think that mental illness exists, then there’s no point having this conversation.

    Plus, some people really do think embryos are people!

    Yes, and some are flat-earthers (truly) and Trump supporters, and some compulsively eat dirt. That’s kind of the point. Insanity is strange and we want to understand it better.

  • yeahiknow3@lemmings.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    I shouldn’t think a psychopath would care much either way, beyond which course of action might benefit them at the time.

    I agree, but the fact that they don’t care is the problem. Abortion might be a means to an end, a way to immiserate a target demographic. Without compunctions and moral impulses, anti-abortion laws, witch-hunting, and racism become viable vehicles for collective punishment and self-gratification.

    The Sociopath Next Door is full of case studies from a Harvard psychiatrist specializing in sociopathy. The extremes of the disorder are obviously disturbing, but what happens when the neuropathology is sub-diagnostic?

    My interest is in how psychopathy connects to people’s epistemic hygiene. That is, the ability, habits, and motivation to correctly construe reality. Think about it. Moral facts are just like any other kinds of fact. Someone with ASPD would be unresponsive or insensitive to moral facts (as you said). But epistemic facts have the same flavor, and pathological lying is symptomatic of psychopathy.

    What has to go wrong in a brain for a person to lose concern about misconstruing or misrepresenting reality?

  • yeahiknow3@lemmings.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    Yes, actually, I do.

    There’s an academic survey that goes out every few years, and there’s more consensus among philosophers that abortion is permissible than about literally anything else. There’s less agreement that the external world exists.

    Being against abortion requires one or more of these assumptions:

    1. That zygotes are actual people.
    2. That these zygote people have rights over your body overriding any of your own needs.
    3. That sex is blameworthy and constitutes some sort of implied consent regarding pregnancy.

    Any one of these assumptions is, frankly, insane.

  • yeahiknow3@lemmings.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    Psychopathy is a spectrum. It undermines your values, makes you indifferent to normative and empirical reality, and robs you of all compunction, until the only salient feature of life is your own ego.

    Many of those you find confusing fall somewhere on that spectrum. It’s a grim diagnosis, but you can use morally obvious cases to determine how bad things are. Opinions on abortion are a litmus test, as are attitudes towards obviously cruel and unvirtuous people, such as Donald Trump and various other celebrities.

  • I knew an athlete a few years ago who was told by Stanford that she had to get a 23 on the ACT to be accepted. Her GPA was mediocre. I don’t even remember if she had AP classes. To be clear, this person was barely literate. She was a nice person, but to put things in perspective, a 23 means getting almost half the questions wrong (in a multiple choice test where 1/4 of random answers are automatically correct). It means, again, illiterate.

    She struggled for a whole year to get to 23 and was accepted to Stanford where she played sports. The one interesting part is that the only major they’d let her have is a business degree, since it requires so little effort.