• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • I’ve found the du command (but with other flags) and it led me to some old snapshots that took up a good chunk of space. du -sch revealed some 5gb of junk in my download folder, so that was a good call too ;D

    zypper clean did not too much, but I got ~40gb of space back, so thats nice. I’ll probably try to replace some of the not so close to the system stuff with flatpaks. Thats a thing I wanted to dive deeper into anyways.

    For podman, I only just installed it because I wanted to learn more about container / docker stuff (it’s part of my daily professional life, but I always feel like I don’t actually know anything about it), so theres nothing to be removed. It was just the package that made me aware of the little space I had left on my disk.

    Thanks, you’ve been a great help :)