• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I use tar with a an external file for exclude and include files on my custom backup script. There is a --wildcards option, which lets you use * (star) to exclude everything from a directory. The command looks like this:

    tar --create \
    	--zstd \
    	--verbose \
    	--restrict \
    	--force-local \
    	--wildcards \
    	--exclude-backups \
    	--exclude-from "${exclude_file}" \
    	--files-from "${include_file}" \
    	--file "${archive_file}"

    And the include_file is a simple text file with newline separated paths. It looks like this:


    1. I have to run OBS separately, before gaming or when I ant to record something while I am playing already.
    2. Configuration of the settings. While I found good settings, its still complicated for most people. Especially on Wayland (a Linux thing).
    3. When I want to capture a game, I have to specifically run the game and select in OBS to capture this window. Or capture entire screen.
    4. I still can’t use AV1 for recording, but I think that I managed to set VAAPI recording set to my GPU? I am not 100% sure.
    5. The flexibility of recording and organization in the way Steam does it is way superior to any external software and custom configuration of it. With OBS I have to rename files and organize things manually, while these are done automatically for each game in Steam.
    6. Besides Steam has background recording too, not just on demand manual recording on button press. Think of Nividias Shadowplay. With OBS I have to start end end recording manually.
    7. While we play we can add specific markers to the timeline with hotkeys. OBS doesn’t have that.

    OBS is clunky and complicated to me. The Canvas and Output resolutions are separate, which confuses me the hell out of it. I only experimented with some settings so far to record gameplay (after my new PC installation) and need to see how this works out. But if I change settings to record something different, then I have to configure it again to record gameplay. Also to use Hotkeys, I have to allow hotkeys to be used globally in my system (which I don’t want to otherwise). Because of Wayland and how it works.

    All in all its must simpler and superior to do this in Steam itself now. For other use cases, I will still keep OBS, its not bad, just not straightforward for daily game recordings. But I can add other software and games to Steam and can use it with Steam Recording too (if the overlay works there).

  • As others noted, this has background recording functionality and manual on demand recording as well. I have used manual recording software and still have OBS installed for any use case. But having Steam Recording builtin is very convenient.

    1. configuration, its much easier to setup than any other solution if you care to get best quality and performance
    2. convenience, integrated makes it easy to setup and use, with additional features, plus its such a fiddling to record specific windows when using external software such as OBS or similar if I don’t want to record entire screen in windowed or fullscreen mode, especially on Wayland
    3. performance, Steam records the raw game footage from your video card and therefore has the best possible quality and performance one can get out of video recording
    4. no overlays, Steam will only capture the game footage without fps indicator or other stats and without overlays or menus from Steam, other software would just record everything visible
    5. timeline, resulting video is raw footage and is not encoded into a video file format for output and not useable before output to video (mp4), we can add timestamps with hotkeys while playing to mark specific points in recording, then we can mark start and end points or select certain parts in the timeline to save or export it
    6. share, it has multiple sharing functionality besides saving to mp4 video file format

    All of this is builtin and works the exact same way regardless of operating system and hardware (independent from cpu and gpu and os). No one needs to study hardware and software in order to configure it in the best possible way. If you used this on Windows, its the same on Linux, no dependency of recording software.

    This is a much bigger deal than just recording footage with gnome-screenshot.

  • Sure, a few more settings wouldn’t be bad, in example for saving as video file. But I think for the sake of simplicity for the end user and also for the devs themselves (I mean Steam devs) they kept it a bit barebones when it comes to codec or resolution settings. This has to work on Windows and on Linux (not sure about Mac) and on the Steam Deck out of the box.

    It’s still beta and they already said in the article some features are coming. I’m more than happy with the timeline feature, this is amazing. I set it to 16 hours at highest quality, lol.

  • Tiling: Add fallback path for the first Polonium tile. Commit. Fixes bug #488898

    I’m a little bit surprised or confused here. Polonium is an external script. KDE/Kwin specifically addresses scripts? That’s actually wonderful, totally the opposite of what Gnome does (yes, I had to bring it up).

    I stopped using Polonium, as it does not work perfectly fine for me. I’ll let them cook a bit more, its otherwise an excellent script/addon.

  • There is no single Bash standard to follow, only a few guidelines. One way you can check for some basic errors and formatting would be using an editor with support for Bash (in best case with a builtin LSP). At the end, you have to find your style and coding standards or adapt what others do if you want work with them or edit their files.

    • Otherwise there is a well known tool for checking Bash files: https://www.shellcheck.net/ You can use it online and as a downloaded program on your local machine. After using shellcheck for a bit I got used to some of its conventions and recommendations, such as always wrapping variables like in ${variable} and some other things.
    • Google has a coding style guide, but not everyone likes it: https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html
    • Related is the Bash Reference Manual from GNU: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html Off course this is not a guide on how to style or program, but it helps in understanding how GNU does things.

    BTW the mk-blog link is 404 for me.

  • https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/page-6.html#h-103344

    Assuming this is the correct source for Canada’s law about copyright. In the section about backup copies 29.24 (1):

    ( c ) the person, in order to make the reproduction, did not circumvent, as defined in section 41, a technological protection measure, as defined in that section, or cause one to be circumvented; and

    ( d ) the person does not give any of the reproductions away.

    So (d) means it is not allowed to distribute the backup copy. As far as I understand. This is standard in most countries in the world. Also I cited ( c ), because this is usually also standard law. Normally, you are only allowed to make backups, if you do not circumvent any protection. Well its up to the interpretation if the Switch has such protection measure that falls into this category. But still, for our topic, (d) is relevant and seems to not allow for distribution of backup copies.

    Mind you, I am also not a lawyer. And not everything needs to go to court in order to have an understanding of the law. Off course, unless it is a bit of grey area like in the case of ROMs. But I think this is addressed in the above quote. I hope this is the correct source! So for the time being, I have to assume law regarding this is just the same as in most other countries, because there is nothing else for me to evaluate here.

  • Downloading Roms from others is basically taking their copy. Its not a copy of your individual cart. And that’s the thing. You have the right to make a copy of your cart and use it. But you are not allowed to distribute the copy. One could probably get away by using Roms from others, but that is open to interpretation of law for individual countries. However the distribution itself is not allowed, in any (normal) country. And I also don’t believe (believe is not knowledge, I have no knowledge of Canadas laws) distributing personal backup copies is allowed in Canada as well.

    Using copies from libraries is something different BTW, as these are not personal backups and are meant to be used by many other people. But that can be complicated too, in example in case of Archive.org. It’s a library in the US, but not other countries in the world.