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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • I saw someone drown in a pool when I was 11. I noticed there was someone sitting at the bottom of the deep end, told the lifeguard who hadn’t yet noticed, but it was just barely too late. Later learned they had experienced a seizure and sank.

    I mostly just remember how pale they were, and being annoyed that pool time got axed for the remainder of summer camp. I never felt much about it. Shit happens, people die, just the way it goes.

  • For about 3-4 years. I switched after sway added support for per-display VRR which xorg cannot do still (and probably will never be able to do due to core design limitations)

    On AMD it’s been better than Xorg for a couple years now in my use case. No more tearing and latency issues, any games that don’t play nice have worked fine with gamescope.

    With HDR support finally on the horizon it’ll be able to completely replace windows for me which I already barely use.

    The only issue I regularly encounter is programs handling windowing strangely. Some programs like to switch themselves into my active workspace under certain circumstances which is mildly annoying but just requires that I press the hotkey to put them back where they belong a couple times a day.

  • From what OP wrote, they aren’t total strangers given he knows she likes comics. He sounds fairly young so I’m guessing she’s in his social circle or someone from school. If they were total strangers or just met for the first time, then yeah I’d say it would be a good idea to strike up a casual conversation or two before asking them out. You just really don’t want to develop strong feelings for them before you ask them out. It’s a recipe for pain if she says no, and can make things pretty awkward if they’re going to have to keep seeing each other regularly.

  • It’s a good idea. You may want to plan a second activity like lunch or a walk in the park as well.

    And just be direct. Something like “Hey, do you want to go on a date with me? We can grab something to eat and go to the comic store.”

    If she says no, don’t push it. Just say okay and wish them well.

    I too was terrible at talking to girls. I still am but my girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind lol

    Whatever you do, just don’t try any pickup artist or smooth talking tactics. It’s gross and cringey, doubly so if you don’t have the confidence to pull it off.

    I would also disagree with a lot of the other comments, if you want to date this person, make it clear you want a date. Don’t try to do the be friends then turn it romantic thing. It can work but not when you already know you want to date them.

  • You can take the quotes off too big to fail, they literally are. Their only competitor in the world is Airbus. Boeing going bust would be catastrophic to the global aviation industry and doubly so for the USA.

    That said, I wanna see Lockheed step up and do a commercial plane. Gimme a jumbo jet that breaks the sound barrier and has a radar signature the size of a credit card pls.

  • There’s no standalone fan controller in existence I’m aware of with Linux support unfortunately, blame manufacturers for that. I use an aquacomputer quadro and just fire up a windows VM with USB passthrough to change settings the once or twice a year I need to. What else isn’t working?

    Regarding blender, what render options are missing? If it’s GPU rendering that’s missing, are you using Nvidia or AMD? I’m not familiar with how mint does things but you might need cuda or HIP packages for Nvidia or AMD respectively.

  • Check protondb for reports on whether a specific (steam) game runs.

    In my experience, pretty much everything that doesn’t have anticheat works. I can’t remember the last time a game didn’t work fine, from stuff so old it stopped working in Windows Vista to day 1 AAA titles. Even DOS stuff is playable with DOSBox.

    Just be aware, Linux is not windows. If you try to use it like windows, you will only experience pain. It’s not hard, especially with mainstream distros like Ubuntu or Mint, but you really should invest at least a bit of effort into learning how the system works and how to use it properly.