I’m autistic, so talking about “common sense” might be funny, but - IP is technically an extension of contract law to a very abstract area. If we are being this rigid, then sovereign citizens must too have a say in politics. If we are being this rigid, then I want all Turks gone (or sworn fealty to me, LOL) from Khodorchur, Dayq province of Western Armenia. If we are being this rigid, then all governments in the world are illegal.
You get the idea.
And if we are, then why won’t we be even more rigid and ask how can one own a number? Which is ultimately any intellectual property. Piece of information is not a blockable resource.
And if we are not, then I don’t see any public value in an institution that harms people.
And there’s none, this is purely a device of power. When you realize this, and look at other such devices of power, you also realize that your society (as one that, well, imposed such IP laws on most of the world as a condition for economic interaction) is not free.
People are different. For me some purple actually is good. As opposed to green on computer displays. Real green is very good, of course.
Any non-neutral color is hard though.