• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I have a remarkable connection to reality when I eat mushrooms, it seems. I can just point my brain in a direction and it will go as far as I let it. For me, and I don’t know what to call it, I have an interesting “reality bubble” that I can “stay in” if I desire. It’s a part of my brain that knows that everything I am seeing is not real and where I can make somewhat decent choices if I need. I have a tripping inner dialogue as well as a “normal” internal dialogue that keeps me sane. It’s… Interesting.

    If I have a task to do, like drawing something or working in CAD, it will keep my brain somewhat focused albeit with a ton of added flair.

    And no, I can’t control all of my thoughts but those still remain somewhat superficial and are not really that intrusive. However, letting my mind go free and letting me think about things from a different perspective is probably the primary reason I trip. My personal mental barriers that I have put up over the years are needing to be torn away so I can become the good person I strive to be and deal with some aspects of my past in a somewhat healthy way. I have no fear of a “bad trip” as I view it as an aspect of my life and personality that needs further exploration.

    I should note that I have a very high tolerance and psilocybin is a perfect match for my personality type and brain chemistry. (Weed, for example, gets me super paranoid and is not for me.) I can easily eat 5-10 grams just to get me started and have eaten as much as 20 grams throughout an evening.

    Short term memory loss is a thing as well. I can completely forget what it was a wanted to think about, but after a bit, I can usually get focused on something. What usually happens is that my brain figures out the solution to the problem I wanted to think about extremely fast so there is not much to ponder on. :P

  • Old hardware is awesome to reuse most of the time but it’s not nearly as efficient as our hardware today.

    It’s probably good to just properly recycle the old gear and spend $200 on a mini-PC from Amazon that has three times the power all while using less electricity.

    I usually completely tear down old equipment into is raw materials, the best I can. It’s less likely to be shipped off to another country for uncontrolled destruction and I get more money back for the materials.

  • OpenSCAD has its uses, but would hardly classify it as full CAD software. Prusa, I believe, used OpenSCAD for a while but they even moved to Fusion360. FreeCAD would be great if the devs would stop trying to reinvent the wheel in their UI. There is a ton of potential, but it simply isn’t where it needs to be yet.

    Fusion360 or SolidWorks are very well established in that space and their shitty license models reflect that.

    Still, as a free alternative, FreeCAD is where it’s at. You just really need to understand if it will suit all of your needs and for me, it doesn’t.

  • I will echo many others here: It’s going to be rough getting good deliveries. While you are planning on running a proxy, that is basically the same as running an open port where your server is. While it may seem to be a good idea to send email from a random AWS address, it really isn’t. Unless you are behind an IP that is specifically trusted as an email source, your traffic has a higher probability of getting dropped. (Many dynamic IP ranges for home internet connections are marked as invalid or untrusted sources, btw.)

    Additionally, email servers are a hot commodity, especially if they are not blocked (yet) by the larger filter providers. All it takes is one or two reports or a poorly configured firewall/IDS to auto-trigger a submission of your IP address as “bad”. By hot commodity, I mean you are going to get fuck tons of vulnerability scans. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s super annoying.

    If I was operating as a Jr. Security Analyst again and saw and sus traffic coming from your address, I would submit a block and not think twice about it. Hell, most of those types of blocks are automated anyway.

    However, if you do set one up and all is golden, great! It’s worth the experience but something I won’t ever do again. (Yes I did run my own email server before.)

  • They sit 3mm proud. This is not an issue if they are hidden, me thinks. However, you should be able to not use the support ring if it is an issue. (I’ll modify a design today in attempt to reduce the amount it sticks out.)

    Also, these are intended to be extremely secure and almost permanent. If you want it flush, you can probably pound it in a little more with a hammer. If not, leave it proud and it gives you a little meat to pull it out of the wall later.

  • Thank you.

    Isn’t it really cool that some of the best engineering projects leverage extreme simplicity? I am not saying that I am a grand architect or anything like that, but this simple project is a perfect example of why most people want to learn 3D printing.

    After thousands of dollars were spent on 3D printers, rolls of filament and replacement parts with hundreds of hours dedicated to learn about printers and CAD, it all just boiled down to being able to design and print a silly drywall anchor on a whim.

    Ain’t this hobby glorious? :)

  • Aww, thank you! I can be a sarcastic ass sometimes, but such is life. Regardless, it’s fun to design and share things. That reminds me… I included the .f3d file with this design but I forgot to add a .step. I’ll add that and some clearer dimensions for it tomorrow.

    Lemmy just needs all the love it can get and interactions are super critical for that. After being on Reddit for over 12 years, it’s great to be part of something new.

  • Thanks for comment!

    I tried a few anchors that were already out there all of them broke at the layer lines easily with PLA. Granted PETG would probably have mitigated that issue, but I didn’t want to change filaments.

    The toggle anchor would be fun to design, but designing a hinge that would work universally across many printers and filaments would be a challenge, for sure. Cheers!