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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I feel like Inflation is not hitting me as much as my suburban friends. They keep complaining about the big grocery store chain collusion (they got caught increasing bread prices a few years back).

    Where I live there’s line 3 mom&pop produce/pastry/butcher between me and the big chain grocery store. My big chain grocery store is cheaper then other store of the same franchise.

    We built huge expensive highway sso huge corps could build mega stores that killed all the locally owned stores. Now they so what they want.

  • A more useful guideline would be something like: how to steer a conversation to be constructive for both parties.

    I couldn’t get chatgpt to make this into a spectrum like in the pyramid but if you invert the order of the negative impact section and concatenate it after the positive liste you get the text for that pyramid. It does make sense though

    Positive Impact:

    1. Collaborative problem-solving
    2. Active listening and empathy
    3. Finding common ground
    4. Constructive feedback
    5. Open-ended questions
    6. Positive tone and inclusive language
    7. Clarifying and paraphrasing
    8. “I” statements
    9. Avoiding defensiveness and judgment
    10. Seeking solutions together

    Negative Impact:

    1. Interrupting or talking over the other person
    2. Dismissing or invalidating the other person’s perspective
    3. Using aggressive or confrontational language
    4. Making personal attacks or insults
    5. Ignoring or belittling the other person’s feelings
    6. Dominating the conversation and not allowing equal participation
    7. Stonewalling or refusing to engage in discussion
    8. Manipulating or twisting the other person’s words
    9. Engaging in passive-aggressive behavior
    10. Refusing to consider alternative viewpoints