• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • IT guy here, I am not that worried about AI

    That’s pretty much because you’re an IT guy. You’re in an industry that AI won’t replace any time soon.

    If you were a cashier, or a stock clerk, or a busboy, you should be terrified by AI. The speed at which those jobs are already vanishing is astounding. The other day I was at a restaurant, and I never interacted with a human. The ordering was done by touch panel at my table, the food was delivered to the table by a robot and I paid at an automated terminal. I don’t know how many staff were on duty but it had to be a fraction of what it would have been a decade ago. I bought clothes last week and there was one employee in the store, overseeing the self-checkout lanes (but really just sitting idly by in case anyone had issues). I read an article yesterday about how robots are now being distributed to convenience stores that can clean, stock, and reorder items, so these shops will pretty soon have only one employee in them.

    The gimmicky shit that your browser AI and chatbots can do is nothing compared to how this is already revolutionizing the world.

  • I agree Reddit is toxic. I’d argue reddit actually stopped being Reddit around 2016. But it’s posts like this that clog it all up and are partially why it is the way it is today.

    I gotta agree with this. The toxicity in any reddit thread increases dramatically when the poster pre-emptively complains about all the toxicity they expect to receive. Whereas when you just ask straight without going into a whole speech about comment quality, you get much better replies. Particularly because it’s hijacking your own thread; changing it from whatever question you wanted to ask into an analysis of the comments.

  • Of toxicity? Or of the mods being monsters?

    I don’t have specific examples, since I stopped using the Japan subreddits several years ago. But they are swamps of toxicity. Everyone is mad at each other and seems to hate their own lives. The new users ask the same 3 basic questions every single day, while the old users seem like new users are the only thing they hate more than Japan. The mods are ban happy and will punish people like tyrants for the slightest mistake, and while I sympathize with them for the crap they have to sift through, they themselves are some of the sub’s most toxic users. It’s just a terrible place.

  • Is that how it works? It doesn’t seem like that… the “Random Magazines” section seems truly random. Sometimes I’ll find something with posts, it’s just that 9 times out of 10 it’s an empty magazine with zero activity. And the top bar is far worse than that. I’d say 19/20 of the magazines up there have absolutely zero content.

    Honestly if they got bumped out by magazines with activity that would be awesome.

  • That’s a popular trope that is spouted by anti-rationalists all the time, but it’s a total red herring. It’s one of those rhetorical tactics that is designed to disrupt judgment and put a stop to a conversation before the absurdity of the claim is made obvious. It’s drilled into us as children through tv, movies, even books, but it’s entirely false.

    Rationalism has plenty of room for fantasy, emotion, and everything else that humans experience. It’s not a choice between being rational and being a fully developed human. The choice is between being rational and being irrational. Everything else is its own separate thing.