• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Our server has been having some federation hiccups. I actually play with a really chill unit. Oddly enough, all the Arma units I’ve encountered have been pretty progressive. As a cis woman, I am almost always outnumbered by the trans gals because there’s always a bunch of them around. Also, all the units I’ve been with have a negative amount of tolerance for bigots.

    I pretty much always play as the medic in our PvE ops, and unfortunately I’m a little incompetent when it comes to actual combat, so I haven’t been horrendously useful when we play Anyistasi.

  • For me, it just looks like he has a certain coldness in his eyes. It’s not a dead or vacant look, it’s just the way a smile, or any other facial expression for that matter, just doesn’t seem to make it to his eyes. There’s obviously life and intelligence there, but it’s not a friendly intelligence. I pulled up the most lizard-man pictures of Zuckerberg for comparison, and even at his most robotic, his eyes still look human. Like there’s some capacity for empathy in there somewhere. With Musk? His eyes just don’t quite read as human to me in an uncanny valley sort of way.

  • It would still go through the liver for metabolism. The only thing “boofing” effectively does is skip the stomach part of the digestive process. To take up anything from the digestive tract, it gets transported through the intestinal lumen and into the mesenteric and hepatic portal system. The liver filters everything that gets into the blood from the gut before it goes into the inferior vena cava and into the rest of the circulatory system.

    Correction to clarify: the lower gut/colon mostly only takes up water and certain vitamins that are released by gut bacteria, and very small molecules like ethanol can sometimes get through as well. The very lowest part of the colon does have a vascular supply that can bypass the liver, and there are some medications designed to take advantage of the select receptors and transporters down there. However, neurotransmitters and peptide hormones (which is what OP was asking about) would likely not get taken up until it was much higher up in the digestive tract, and at that point it would go through the hepatic portal system.

    Thank you to those that corrected me. Intestines are actually fairly complicated.