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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • Sick of debating you people on this. You can’t understand basic logic which tells me right away that you’re either not a programmer or a really bad one, or, more likely, you have some sort of investment in the language’s success.

    There’s no conflict in the statements that you need to be a good C programmer and that it’s impossible to be a perfect programmer. This non-argument is you either not understanding common sense and logic, or you grasping at straws in the vain hope that people will think you’re right because you’re so obsessed with your language of the year that will be forgotten soon enough and replaced with, again, C and other traditional, good, useful languages.

    I don’t know which is the case, but the frenzied, unhinged way you’re trying to defend rust makes me think you have an investment in the language in some way, which makes your argument invalid. I have no such attachments.

    If you can’t understand such common sense arguments, I can’t believe that you even know how to write “Hello World” in any language.

  • No one who knows anything about C uses insecure functions without having a good reason and a good foundation around them to keep them secure. The functions are there to allow C to have maximum flexibility and low-level access to a system. For the most part, these shouldn’t be used, and any decent C programmer knows that. Comparing that with Rust where people think the entire language is inherently safe and has zero awareness of what they might be doing is laughably insecure is the heart of the problem.

    Been programming longer than most of you have been alive, kids. Keep on defending your hacked together tricycle language and then crying when you manage to tip it over because of your overconfidence.


    But thinking that Rust is inherently safer is actually trolling. I don’t care what you’re doing or who you are, you can make a gigantic security hole in ANY language, including Rust, and there’s zero difference. If you really think people are going around screwing up in C more than people are screwing up in Rust, particularly because they feel like “RUST IS SAFER I CAN DO ANYTHING”, you’re delusional.

  • Right here, is what I’m talking about. People believe that the code/language itself is inherently safe/secure or unsafe depending on what you choose and that’s wrong. It’s what the programmer does with that code that makes it safe or unsafe, secure or insecure. You can have the best designed and engineered materials on the planet and people are still going to be able to make things that will fall over and cause massive disasters with it. Stop bowing down to freaking Rust as if it’s the damn savior of computing and programming. In the end, it’s just another language and one another step removed from low level computing where it’s easiest to deal with hardware-level and basic functionality systems at a huge cost.

  • The biggest lie of programming these days is just because something is coded in [trendy “secure” language of the day, including Rust] means it’s secure. Bullcrap. It’s how you code things that make it secure or not. You can be proficient enough in C to make programs that are much more secure vs. rust. The fact that everyone makes mistakes and programming is an enormous beast to wrangle with makes things insecure and needs to be monitored and fixed.

  • massivefailure@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlKDE Plasma needs stability
    5 months ago

    Gnome is currently the least stable major desktop. By far. It’s an absolute disaster crippled by tons of little bugs that creep in when you least expect them. Even if you don’t add anything to it and use Gnome as vanilla as you can get it, it’s still going to be problematic.

    Plasma has some small bugs here and there – and there was a point a few years ago when Plasma seemed like they didn’t care about bugs and instead just threw out a ton of shiny new pointless features every release instead – but recently it is incredibly solid in general and more usable than anything else in Linux, by far. One of the only things I find “buggy” about Plasma is when someone tries to over-rice the desktop with tons of widgets and other things everywhere.

  • I have very recently after rallying against it for years. It seems like there has been a concentrated effort lately to get it working really well, which I only have to say “about damn time” after they’ve been advocating it for over a decade and it still was a buggy pile of garbage at that point. Plasma seems to have done a load of work getting Wayland stable lately, and with the latest Plasma6, I’m happy with it. There’s some weirdness here and there but I can handle a little bit of problems vs. my entire system slowing to a crawl and then crashing after a day or two reliably when running Wayland vs. Xorg which ran fine even semi-recently.

  • Article promotes fucking 5G home internet but in the article states “[t]he only fix they had was splitting the cost of a Verizon 5G router with a roommate, but that was also too slow to be usable most of the time” before they go into their gushing about how these 5G home internet solutions are the savior of all.

    Paid advertisements for shit services can’t even keep from bad-mouthing these shit services. Technology is so fucked over by all these greedy corporations selling garbage solutions to suckers.

  • USB-C is a shitshow, period. Whoever invented that garbage needs to be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

    Depending on just the cable I plug in (all else exactly the same, same PC, same port, same electrical plug, etc), I get fast speed (from PC) and charging (from a power outlet) on device 1 and slow speed and charging on device 2, and another cable gets me exactly the opposite. And others, slow speed and fast charging or vice versa.

    What the fuck.

    This is not the behavior of a fucking “standard”. Meanwhile, microUSB just fucking worked regardless of which of the tons of cables I used, all exactly the same.

    USB-C needs to fucking die. Oh, but boohoo, people had to figure out which direction to plug in a microUSB cable. Cry me a fucking river, nobody cares, that’s not a real problem.

  • massivefailure@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe Windows 11 problem
    10 months ago

    I remember the old initd. It was fast, efficient, didn’t hang up for 10+ minutes when it got confused about what needed to shut down when, and just worked until a bunch of impatient new Linux users wanted to get to the desktop in 0.00007 seconds and couldn’t patiently wait for a proper init boot order so they created this bloated monstrosity. But those aren’t even the worst part of NuLinux: to this day Wayland is absolute unstable garbage not worth using. Visual glitches, UI glitches, instability, slowdowns, and outright crashes that even REISUB can’t recover from. Meanwhile, Xorg still Just Works.

    Modern Linux is garbage and needs to be either fixed or thrown away.