LOL I always used a picture of Nicholas Cage. Troll face should have been obvious.
LOL I always used a picture of Nicholas Cage. Troll face should have been obvious.
My nuts would like to disagree with you.
Yes but think of it as a company with mostly infinite resources to infinity shitify
Bluewashed was a IBM term. Since IBMs main color is blue it went with everything. Bluetape, bluewash, blueshit, etc. Bluewashing to them was taking a program/app and doing a series of things to fuck it up.
Oh speaking of Blueshit. If you wanted to order something like say a laptop dock for your new laptop. Try to order it through their “buy on demand” system.
Me: Ok its for my laptop so I can get work done.
Them: (Some asshat in Denmark) Denied, workstations are not allowed docking stations, mice, additional monitors etc.
Me: “hold my beer” Resubmit request: Lab equipment for the REDACTED lab, to support multiple monitors in the test environment.
Them: (Someone in France) Approved! You should see your equipment in 2-3 weeks.
Me: WTF??
This right here. When the company I worked for got bought by them our code got “blue washed” by a team of…lawyer/dev hybrids for lack of a better term. They ripped the shit out of our code. It took us years to unshitify it.
I’m using a self hosted installation using docker thats not open to the internet. Its only open to my internal network. I would strongly suggest not making it public. Especially if you have datacaps on your ISP.
However being paranoid about being IP banned by Google I took it a step further. I’m using Gluetun to host a docker container that runs proton vpn and allows other docker containers to connect to it and use the vpn connection. Also has the benefit of being a http proxy.