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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Why would you come to a place just to bitch about it? If you don’t like it here then fuuuck off. Go to ExplodingHeads or Rammy or even right the fuck back to Reddit. No one made you come here, vote with your feet. Or if you won’t do those things, then I beg you to take just a little less effort here and not post.

    I swear to God, some of you fuckers are the kind of dudes that rock up to a lesbian bar, get kicked out for hitting on women at the lesbian bar, and then start pissing and moaning about how “no one is allowed to be real man anymore hurk durk durk durk” and calling the bouncers woketards.

  • I started with an Anet A8 years ago (do not touch this, it was and is an extreme fire hazard and a fairly shit printer to boot), and after a ton of mods, hours upon hours of tuning and struggling, and dozens of failed prints, I bought an Ender 3 S1. I would not recommend the base Ender 3, but I love my S1 so much. Quality is pretty damn good out of the box, I have had maybe 2 failes prints out of a few hundred. I have done no calibration since I assembled it. It eats whatever filament I throw at it using Cura’s default profile for that material. Is it as good as a P1P or X1 Carbon? No, but it’s half the price of the P1P.