axont [any, they/them]

A terrible smelly person

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2020


  • I used to think all food for adults were called Sad Meals, as opposed to Happy Meals (like at McDonald’s).

    I thought some wild stuff as a child that feels more fantastical than strictly dumb. Like I thought everyone was psychic except me and could hear my thoughts. I thought time worked differently depending on who I talked with. I thought the earth was both flat or round depending on where you were standing. I’d often get dreams and reality confused too. For some reason I thought dogs were people who had been cursed into becoming pets, probably because of me seeing the donkeys from Pinocchio. I thought half of people were robots fueled by pieces of the sun they’d pluck out of the sky.

    This one is common, but I thought water simply phased through your body if you touched it. There was an episode of Bill Nye where he mentions that water “goes through your hand” and says it just like that. So I thought water simply phased through hands.

    I think I was just abused as a kid and neglected

  • Planescape: Torment made me slow down and realize a game can be an entire world onto itself and I shouldn’t skim over stuff I read.

    The Outer Wilds is probably the most recent game that changed how I approach stuff. It’s so good. Nothing is given to you, you have to figure out everything on your own. It’s good for developing patience and curiosity.

    For twitchy gameplay type stuff, I recommend Radiant Silvergun. Makes every other shmup feel like they’re in slow motion. That game is why I was able to beat any of the Touhou games.

  • The show plays into several right wing fears, like widespread gun control (cops need permission over radio to unlock their guns), black people getting paid reparations, white people living in shantytowns (nixonville), cigarettes are illegal, religious people becoming a persecuted minority, stuff like that. The first few episodes play up an angle of “what if cops mainly profiled poor white people.” That’s because the premise is that there’s been an uninterrupted 30 year liberal hegemony under president Robert Redford, similar to how the 1980s Watchmen comic took place during an uninterrupted conservative domination with Nixon.

    The glorifying cops part is because it dips into the idea there are some good cops who are struggling against an entrenched structure of bad cops. That’s the whole arc of the show, the main character Angela is a “good cop” who is routing out the “bad cops” in order to repair the structure. It’s the liberal nonsense idea that putting oppressed minorities into positions of power like wealth, the cops, politicians, etc will correct the structure, since the problem is presented as individuals within that structure rather than the thing itself. In the show’s attempts to subvert/criticize corporate liberal dystopia, it still presents the same conclusions.

    Although another way of reading it is that it’s a criticism of how generic American liberals, even when granted full control over society, still manage to recreate the same conditions. That’s a better and more interesting reading honestly. But I’m stuck because I know that Damon Lindelof (the writer) is himself a generic rich Hollywood liberal type.

    I actually like the show by the way. Jeremy Irons was good. The Trent Reznor soundtrack is beautiful too.

  • The worst aspect is Zack Snyder seems to think Rorschach is a cool dude with cool ideas. They made him talk normally in the movie, maybe that was so he could be more easily understood, but it didn’t feel right. He’s supposed to seem deranged. In the comic he talks in squiggly text boxes and in an odd kind of halting, broken English. He’s not bad at speaking English, he’s become so unstable and antisocial his social skills have atrophied. Jackie Earle Haley came across as too earnest or too confident. Like that scene with the therapist reading the ink blots, Rorschach in the comic comes across as pathetic. He’s done, doesn’t care, doesn’t want to live. He says he sees flowers and trees because he just wants to leave the therapy session. In the movie he comes across as like this snickering badass ready to cause trouble. He’s like “heh, you can’t handle my twisted mind, doc.” I hate it. Synder completely misread the scene.

    At least the TV show had the guts to show Rorschach would eventually inspire a white supremacist movement

  • I don’t have a lot of experience with dating and I’m kind of a loner, so I’ve had a problem over the past decade of jumping at whoever expresses interest in me. It’s a bad habit. The last two people I dated ended up being deep transphobes, both laughed when I told them I’m non-binary. With the last one, we had already been on like 3 dates or so and had gotten a little intimate, so that really made me ashamed of myself.

    The last person revealed themselves to be a Raëlian too, the UFO cult. A lot of other conspiracy theory junk bouncing around their brain too. They must have known all of this stuff would turn me away, because none of it came out until I had known them for two months and we’d already considered ourselves close. Advice for the future: Ask anyone you’re gonna date important questions about their view of the world before doing anything further, it’ll save time. Figure out their religion, politics, stance on trans/gay people, everything, because for me it was a little devastating. I thought I had finally found someone. Oh well.