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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Am tired, but bit confused at sequence of events.

    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering specific extensions, whereupon Mozilla removed for Russian users the banned extensions?


    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering some undefined type of extension, whereupon Mozilla removed for Russian users any which seemed to fall under the ban under an abundance of caution until they could assess each & reinstate those which did not fit the ban?

    Or, more worryingly, but maybe implied by the supposed temporary intent of the ban…

    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering specific extensions, whereupon Mozilla temporarily removed for Russian users the extensions in order to give Russia the ability to track or otherwise meddle with Russian users of those extensions… or to enable Russia to interfere with the extensions’ code for their own ends?

    I feel I can make a reasonable guess, but there’s a fairly big safety issue here depending on what happened.

    Anyone dissenting within an authoritarian regime knows to exercise extreme caution, but always good to put out reminders to have multiple layers of protection, so if one fails you are still ok.

  • Tried Mastodon for a few weeks, but it just seemed to be people talking at themselves. Despite claims that one needs to follow people & tags and that nothing is pushed, there was so much stuff I wasn’t following in my feed.

    Also found the whole hashtag system to be incredibly frustrating. Their inclusion in comments breaks up the flow, to search (or block) you have to guess what things could be tagged as, then too many people tag stuff unnecessarily, so you effectively get masses of spam when trying to follow a topic.

    On top of that, strongly disliked the need to follow strangers - it feels creepy & weird to me, no matter how interesting their posts are.

    Oh and the rate of reblogging of very trite stuff was doing my nut in. Fine, if it is something you believe your followers will want to read, but otherwise it is more spam in their feed

    So yeah, microblogs really aren’t for me.