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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • As someone of a similar age, I can definitely say this is not true for everybody.

    Raging at the idiot who pulled in front of you solves nothing.

    It’s not like we don’t know that. Otherwise OP wouldn’t have the self awareness to ask the question. It’s just an emotional reaction to people, situations, and actions that defy logic. I get angry at drivers when they do things that are not only blatantly selfish and inconsiderate, but dangerous and usually illegal (in SoCal that’s every few minutes). I don’t know about OP, but I’m not doing any “raging.” No one looking over at me would know I’m angry af, but I’m sitting there wondering how the US is filled with so many sociopathic freaks and why we’re all ok with the way we treat each other. And picturing what would happen had I done the same thing in traffic. A cop would materialize out of nowhere, or the other person would jump out of their car with a bat. But the people who cut me off? They never see any consequences, and if any one of them learns their lesson, there’s ten more willfully ignorant, dangerously stupid people to put everyone else at risk. I’m not attributing anything to malice. Cluelessness is so much worse, and people should be held accountable for not learning from their mistakes. Besides, being considerate, responsible, generally respectful, and empathetic does not require any extra education or intelligence (though it would certainly help). Somehow, the universe is totally fine with all of this, and so is everyone else. I was in a bad accident years ago because someone pulled right out in front of me, so I’ve lived through the consequences of some selfish prick valuing their two seconds of time over other people’s actual lives. If a teenager acted the way we act collectively, as a population, their parents would be told they have behavioral problems. You can not react all you want, but that doesn’t help anything going on under the surface. Mindfulness and stoicism is just living with the anger and stress instead of solving it. That’s why cognitive behavioral therapy is the only thing that will actually help it.

  • There should be regulation of the private sector. There has to be some accountability for these corporations. The onus can’t be on the consumer one hundred percent of the time. It really shouldn’t be at all. Buyers should only be responsible for deciding which products would be best for them and their budget, not for having to predict which corporation will utterly fuck them over the least out of the only three corporations they have to choose from when they’re all trying to scam them out of their money.

    I’m so sick of being scammed every single time I buy something. The government needs to step in and do their job instead of just handing out a few fines here and there.

  • I wonder why none of us paid subscriptions to access websites in the 90s and early 2000s? We all used MySpace, FB, LiveJournal, Make Out Club, Hot or Not, Geocities, Angelfire, NeoPets, MSN messenger, AOL messenger, the millions of chat rooms. Etc etc. We paid for time on the internet itself (like we still do) but at least then you could find one of those AOL CD ROMs with free minutes just about anywhere. You couldn’t escape them.

    There also weren’t that many ads, just some banners at the top. There were web rings and stuff to advertise each other’s sites. But it seems like once pop-up ads started, you couldn’t get rid of them ever again. There weren’t browser extensions or anything, pretty much just anti virus software you had to go to Frys to buy.

  • So right after I signed up at the beginning of this year, they switched from HBOMax to “Max.” I paid for a year in advance, and of course when I signed up there was nothing about them switching to a new brand. All of a sudden it was full of trash reality shows and ID Discovery true crime. I have no idea what possessed them to do that.

    Then once it switched over I stopped being able to stream any new HBO shows on mobile and customer service won’t refund me any amount. Not that I can even communicate with them effectively. It’s all “chat” with AI or people who have no idea what I’m saying. Half the shows still won’t play on mobile for me.

    TL;DR I paid for a year of HBO. They changed their selection a few months in. I lost mobile access to a bunch of their shows. And now I’m losing even more features before the year is up. That’s quite literally not what I paid for.

    How exactly is any of that legal? Genuine question. What about the Federal Trade Commission? Isn’t there fucking anybody regulating these corporations in the US?

  • I have the same problem with mine. It literally never recognizes the printer wirelessly unless I turn it off and on, unplug, push the wifi button, and cancel and restart the print at least a few times.

    I also found out that I’m being charged by the number of pages I print. When I signed up, I was under the impression that I would be charged for the printer ink. Apparently it’s $4/month for 20 pages or some shit like that and then $1 per every ten pages after that? How the fuck can they charge per page? Aren’t the ink cartridges what run out and need to be repurchased? But even though I get charged every month automatically, whether I use the pages or not, I don’t get sent new ink until I request it. Or buy it? And I magically lost some discount I was supposed to get after purchasing through Amazon.

    The whole thing has been a shit show. Plus the printer itself is the flimsiest piece of thin plastic that weighs nothing. I hope the FTC sues the shit out of them.

  • scientifically aligned to glint sunlight into your eyes.

    Speaking of, the trend of absolutely blinding headlights should be outlawed. It’s especially bad for those of us who drive tiny sedans and live in the US, where seemingly every other car on the road is a lifted F350 with the headlights pointed straight at eye/side mirror/rearview mirror level. There have been more than a few times where a car coming towards me or sitting on the other side of an intersection at a red light has blinded me to the point where I literally can’t see anything else. Recently at a stop sign, I couldn’t tell if the truck across from me was about to go or not, and I was needing to turn left. They are SO fucking dangerous. And yet, cops will pu people over for having shit hanging from the rearview mirror, or for a big enough crack in a windshield?? We have our priorities so fucked up.

    Also that type of reflective tint on back windows that makes the sun go straight into your eyes when driving behind someone who has it. Wtf is that and why. I had no idea that regular window tint needed to be “improved” / re-engineered.