• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Something isn’t right with this article. I’m suspect:

    • Type 1 is where your islet cells die off and you lose insulin production. Type 2 means your insulin production is fine, but your cells are resistant to the insulin. A Type 2 should have plenty of islet cells so adding more doesn’t seem like it would do anything. Your body should regulate those cells to output the same amount of insulin as before.

    • This same treatment has been done in Type 1s already. It’s not new. The problem is their body eventually kills off the transplanted cells and you have to do it again. Plus, you have to take immune suppressing drugs forever.

    • “Despite a kidney transplant, his pancreas still doesn’t produce insulin.” - This is just nonsense.

  • I’m no expert in this subject either, but a theoretical limit could be beyond 200x - depending on the data.

    For example, a basic compression approach is to use a lookup table that allows you to map large values to smaller lookup ids. So, if the possible data only contains 2 values: One consisting of 10,000 letter 'a’s. The other is 10,000 letter 'b’s. We can map the first to number 1 and the second to number 2. With this lookup in place, a compressed value of “12211” would uncompress to 50,000 characters. A 10,000x compression ratio. Extrapolate that example out and there is no theoretical maximum to the compression ratio.

    But that’s when the data set is known and small. As the complexity grows, it does seem logical that a maximum limit would be introduced.

    So, it might be possible to achieve 200x compression, but only if the complexity of the data set is below some threshold I’m not smart enough to calculate.

  • Autism, especially higher functioning, often comes with clinical-level anxiety. Definately talk to a psychiatrist and therapist. If you’re already on anxiety meds that aren’t working, try a different one. Keep in mind that the wrong one can cause suicidal thoughts. They vary quite a bit, and new ones are coming out all the time. You’ll eventually find one that helps take the edge off your anxiety. That will help you cope with the other things better. From my experience, things also get naturally better as you age, so there is light in the tunnel.

    Edit: One other suggestion. Do the bad thoughts come at night? That’s also common. If so, try going to bed earlier - before they get a chance to get cranked up. Wake up earlier so you can have quiet time doing something peaceful like sipping coffee.

  • Fuck these things. Even if they aren’t bad for the environment, they absolutely wreck your yard. In the summer, each week, I’ll go around my yard and clean out 15-16 massive webs. Some of them 40 feet up. Most of them face level. The webs are strong so they easily get filled with leaves. Your yard ends up looking like a fucking haunted house with webs everywhere and leaves floating in the sky. Not to mention the females are HUGE - 6 inches across the legs sometimes. Total nightmares.

  • I think they can work, but only when certain pieces are there. The protest must have:

    • A clearly defined goal
    • Existing support somewhere in the government, or a financial incentive for people in the government that oppose you.

    For example, civil rights and women’s right to vote had some governmental support. The protests had well defined goals, and helped raise awareness and support for those people already in government to enact change.

    On the other hand, the 1% protests a few years ago, and more recently, BLM, had ambiguous goals. Without clear goals, no existing government support could be identified. And there was no financial incentive for others to act. The protests raised awareness but ultimately had little real effect unfortunately.

    I do wonder if things have changed though. I think public shaming helped enact some changes in the past, but no one has shame anymore.

  • Pretty confident if this happened because they hired a new (real) support operator who just didn’t understand the policy, they would have made a concession to the customer and the support person would likely just get more training.

    But because it’s a chat bot that they really don’t understand (outside of their IT department), they go to court and shut down a system they likely spent hundreds of thousands of dollars developing.

    This type of advanced decision making is why we pay CEOs the big bucks.