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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I see your point and I agree, except that that isn’t what these headlines are saying. Granted, perhaps that’s just the standard issue of sensationalism and clickbait rather than being specific to this issue, but the point remains that while the articles may be as you claim, the headlines are still presented instead as “A chainsaw can’t even drive a simple nail into wood without issue and that’s why you should be angry anytime you hear a chainsaw.” I dunno. I’m just so exhausted.

  • Anyone else tired of these clickbait headlines and studies about LLM which center around fundamental misunderstandings of how LLMs work, or is it just me?

    “ChatGPT didn’t get a single answer on my algebra exam correct!!” Well yes, because LLMs work on predictive generation, not traditional calculation, so of course they’re not going to do math or anything else with non-language-based patterns properly. That’s what a calculator is for.

    All of these articles are like complaining that a chainsaw is an inefficient tool for driving nails into wood. Yeah; because that’s not the job this tool was made for.

    And it’s so stupid because there are ton of legitimate criticisms about AI and the AI rollout to be had; we don’t have to look for disingenuous cases of misuse for critique.

  • I stand corrected then, sorry.

    I am surprised to learn that while user mod status is listed on the user page, apparently admin status is not. I wonder if that’s just an oversight or by design.

    I’m also surprised to learn that user reports apparently are sent to instance admins rather than community moderators; that’s not how I would have expected.

    Thank you for clarifying and correcting my error, cheers. ✌️

  • Abuse is an absurd suggestion, especially considering the overt special treatment this creator receives on the other site. Just a bananas suggestion. Nobody is entitled to my viewership, and I am welcome to express my viewing preferences, even attempt to exert them within the realms of reason. Saying “I don’t like this content and I do not want to see more of it” is not abuse to anyone, in any stretch of the imagination.

  • Things do not exist in a vacuum. You cannot divorce this creator from the context of their works and fandom. That simply isn’t how the world works.

    But I am perfectly fine with you disagreeing with my take on the matter. I only object when you impugn me with false accusations. Don’t accuse me of labeling this creator as anything and don’t accuse me of calling for prohibition and I’m fine.

    Yes, I have a kneejerk reaction to seeing this creator’s work for the contextual reasons mentioned, and I am fine with you objecting to that. If that was your point, then cool, your complaint has officially been registered. But you sure did a shitty job presenting that as your point.

  • You posted your comments in reply to my comment specifically, while all I have asked is for this drama shitstorm to not come here on lemmy. I never accused her of misandry, never asked for any prohibition of her work, never even made any mention of the comic at hand or the topic it alludes to. Yet I was lumped in with incels and accused of trying to enforce prohibition.

    Personally, I don’t care why people have feeling about this comic creator or whether or not those reasons are sensible. I just don’t want to see this exact shit here. That’s it.

    Meanwhile you’ve been making specific accusations and basing them on what seems to be nothing more than your gut feelings and assumptions, and wouldn’t retract them even when this fact was pointed out.

    If you have issues with others and their treatment of this creator, I suggest you bring it up in replies to them, not to me.

    Genuinely, what is your goal? How would you like for this interaction to proceed or conclude?

  • My issue with pizzacake is her wildly sycophantic fans and their disingenuous bad behavior.

    So as much as I may not be a fan of pizzacake, yeah I agree she obviously isn’t as awful or problematic as a literal Nazi and thus doesn’t deserve to be maligned the same way as pebbleshit does.

    I don’t want to see this place turn into another worship space for pizzacake, but I also don’t believe that she personally deserves any ire or overt negativity as a person