• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Then that’s misleading to the customer. When you buy something online and have paid for it, it should be collected and delivered.

    When you need to pay a tip to get the omployers/contracters of the company to do business with to do their job, there is something terribly wrong with the situation. Tips should be for complementing employers with their good/excelent serice, not to ensure they have something to eat while the company earns enough and underpays their staff.

    That’s how an open market should work, companies paying their straff living wages and charging what a product/service costs to be viable. When the product/service is good enough, the customers will come, when it isn’t, they go out of business, freeing employers for work that is values correctly. The US market of underpaying employers and required tips from customers looks more like modern slavery/forced labour.

  • To nit-pick a tad more, when they have access to my key and have my passphrase so they can sign with it…

    That’s why you set the passphrase on keys, gpg, ssh,… Never use a encryption without a key. That way you need posession (key) and knowledge (passphrase) to identify yourself. When you use ssh, use the ssh agent, when you have automated login which would be better to use without keyphrase, use a different pair (specify wuth -i option) and limit access with that to a fixed ip.

    And always protect your key. No cloud backup…

    Edit: GPG keys also can be signed. Not by specific companies (there is probably a service for that, but it’s not by design), but by other people knowing each other. That way you have a trust based on who knows who, not who has more cash…

    Same with ssh keys, you can sign those as well and set sshd to accept anybody with a certificate signed by ‘x’ to access the server on the same account name the cert was issued for.

  • Some external group doing a terrorist attack? Nah, they don’t need to. The US can attack themselves easily and will. With the coming high court ruling coming about Trump being withheld from voting slips (correct term? Not being alowed to be on the list during election) will be a huge thing. Either the very conservative judges he appointed will rule he incited a riot and should not be allowed in office again (according to the intention of article 14 of the US constitution, which those judges say they adhere), or they will say it’s not up to us.

    In the 1st case, the Trump adepts will start the 2nd civil war, in the 2nd case, who knows. Leaving it to the states could result in problems in some.

    However you look at it, the USA is on it’s way to a massive implosion. With a destabalised political system like that, which state needs enemies. No real democratic system has only 2 parties.