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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • when there’s not a recognised disability involved but just health issue/s (which could be “disabling”).

    From the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in regards to the ADA:

    Under the ADA , you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

    Essentially, if you are disabled, you have a disability, whether recognized or not. If you are not disabled, then you do not have a disability.

    Under this definition, something like asthma, which is fairly common, can be a disability when it comes to strenuous activities, but isn’t something that is immediately obvious to someone just passing on the street.

    As far as it being ablist to assume that someone not showing signs of disability isn’t disabled? No, that’s silly. Not believing them if they tell you they can’t run a mile because they have asthma? Still no, that’s skepticism.

    Ablism would be something like planning a company outing, and choosing the location up a tall, steep hill when other options were available, specifically because you don’t like the fact that your coworker has asthma.

  • For SSD’s, it’s 100% a logical table, because data is stored all over the place for load balancing purposes, so it already uses a logical table to keep track of what each block is for at any given point in time.

    For HDD’s, historically they were physically separated, and they mostly are still, but there’s still a logical table, and there’s no reason the logical table can’t say “Blocks 0 through 1234 and 2000 are part of partition 1” if you have something somewhere else that you want on that partition.

  • Let’s talk about orbital mechanics for a bit, and we’ll get back to electrons and protons.

    Orbits happen because two objects are attracted to each other, but are moving too quickly in relation to each to actually collide with the other object. The faster the objects are moving, the wider the orbit, because they’re missing by a larger amount.

    In order for an electron to get closer to a proton, you have to either increase the pull between them, such as with an electrical field, or slow down the electron somehow. Your answer depends on which of these things is happening.

    If you push on it with something like an electrical field, the moment you stop pushing the orbit will correct itself, unless you pushed it so hard you got the electron to collide with a proton in the nucleus, in which case you get a neutron and a neutrino emitted. At some point in the future, it’ll probably decay into a proton and an electron again.

    If you somehow just slow down the electron, you get a closer orbital shell, and it’ll stay there until something changes it’s velocity again. If you slow it down enough that it hits a proton in the nucleus, the same thing happens as above.

  • From the other side: I’m pro-union, but at my workplace I’m management.

    One of the guys on my crew is terrible at his job. Just awful. Everyone hates working with him, he doesn’t get anything done on time, he’s either stupid or willfully ignorant, the list goes on and on.

    The union, however, has negotiated that I can’t action for productivity. It literally doesn’t matter how badly he does his job, as long as he’s in his spot and something is happening, I can’t do anything. On top of that, this guy has seniority over most of the other guys on the crew, so I can’t even give him less hours without cutting the people who actually get shit done.

    It’s incredibly frustrating, and the only thing I can do is watch his attendance like a hawk in the hopes I can get rid of him for being late one too many times.

  • Says who?

    Says the diagram in the OP, the EM spectrum of a 5800K star, which clearly shows a peak within the visible spectrum in the blue band, and a significant (25% or so) drop off by the time it gets to the red band. Those aren’t relatively equal.

    As near as I can tell, your entire argument is based on what a human being perceives to be “white”, and I’m not talking about perception at all, because it lies. Examples:

    • The sky looks blue. It’s not blue, and you can tell by looking anywhere that isn’t the sky in the daytime, because the air is the same everywhere.

    • Related: the sun looks yellow. The sun looks yellow for the same reason the sky looks blue.

    • When I close my eyes, I can’t see anything. That doesn’t mean everything is black or the same color as my eyelids.

    • Your own dress example, where different people would see different colors in the same dress.

    You and I are arguing about two completely different things. You are talking about what color something looks to be, in terms of colloquial terms used to describe things people can see. I am talking about what color it is, in terms of temperature and wavelength, which are things people can measure.

  • Colors are a perception, true, which is why we don’t really talk about colors, we talk about wavelengths and temperature. 5800K is not white (relatively equal amounts of all visible light wavelengths), it’s light blue (decent amounts of most visible light wavelengths, but a significant peak in the 450-500nm wavelength band, which looks blue to us). Lightbulbs use color temperature because filament and halogen lights generate light the same way the sun does: by getting hot, and how hot it is determines the light wavelengths emitted. That’s why I included the chart, it’s a good analogue.

    If you look at the graph provided in the OP, you can see for yourself that there’s significantly more blue than anything else being emitted.

  • It’s really a pale blue. If it were white, the visible spectrum would be pretty even, but you can see the graph is higher on the blue edge and lower on the red edge. There’s enough green and red to brighten it a lot, but it’s definitely blue.

    In fact, the sun’s surface temperature is around 5800K, and you can look up what color that actually is wherever you go light bulb shopping.

    This shows the colors based on temperature, and the sun is firmly in the “Day White.” It’s called white, but you can see it’s pretty clearly blue, especially next to the “Direct Sun” color.

  • Honestly, he’s right. Game prices are the same 60-70 dollars they’ve been for 30 years, but nothing else has stayed the same price that long. With inflation, a game should be around 200 dollars.

    Super Mario Bros 3 came out in the last half of 1988 and costed $50 dollars, or around 127 dollars. It also costed about $800,000 to develop, which is about $2 million today.

    Nowadays, it costs around $80 million (about 40x) on average to make a AAA title that costs $60 (about half). This is why all these games have cash shops and battle passes and paid dlc and whatnot: they need to make up that extra cost somewhere.

  • Make sure your litter box is clean, and that your cat thinks it’s clean. Cats want to be able to bury their waste, and if there’s too much in the box for the cat’s liking, they’ll go somewhere else, and it’s often right outside the box if there isn’t something else they could use. It’s important to understand that it’s the cat’s opinion that matters here, not yours: you may need to scoop it every day, even if there’s only a little in it.

    You may also need to move the litter box and clean the previous area, including and most importantly the place outside the litter box that gets used. Use vinegar if you can: it has a strong smell that cats don’t like, but it won’t hurt them like bleach can. Lemon juice works well for this, also. What this will do is make sure that this area doesn’t smell like a place they have used as a litter box before.