unhappy_grapefruit 2

“I’d rather get banned shit-posting than live long enough to see myself become a janny” = formally u/unhappy_grapefruit_2 and u/ram_ranchh now ShitOnABrick

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

  • 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • It’s funny Lemmy was created as a way to get away from “Reddit brand authotarian weirdos” yet Lemmy’s creator is a “Reddit brand authotarian weirdo” and so is most of the main moderation team on ml and elsewhere you’ll think that with there combined experience on Reddit that they’lld learnt by now that censorship is bad. But then again what am I saying with my experience with tankies and socialists I’ve learnt a lot of them aren’t that bright

    It’s funny and ironic that the creator of this platform has become the very thing he apparently despises although I’m not surprised to be brutally honest commies do love their censorship

  • I agree with you. Alot of hypocrites in lemmy.world. Think that censorship is okay when they are the ones doing it and it suits they’re agenda. I personally am of the belief that we shouldn’t censor any speech. No matter how uncomfortable it might make you me or them feel. Any kind of censorship should be condemned including Lemmy.world and lemmy.ml censorship. I think that both tankie nutcases and MAGA nutcases have a right to freedom of speech and expression. but so does everyone else.