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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • And yet, he’s still one of the what, 5 richest people on the planet?

    He doesn’t give a shit, and neither should you (as nice as the schadenfreude might feel). He got something worth more to him than plain old money - an established propaganda platform, which he is using as he intended - to war monger and otherwise interfere in politics to ensure fascism progresses as fast as he can help it. The “dent” (more like a surface scratch) it put in his finances is completely invisible and irrelevant to him.

    And it should be to you, too.

    He is NEVER going to end up without means or power, not even fucking close, unless we take them from him, and abolish the system that encouraged and enabled him to amass them in the first place.

  • I will remember survivorship bias

    The just world fallacy is another one worth remembering, in the context of your post, but also generally.


    If hard work led to success, then a poor person working three jobs should be rich.

    You got George Monbiot’s quote almost exactly word for word:

    If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.”

    He didn’t have to work three jobs to pay rent, but he is set up as a rags-to-riches story, using elbow grease and grit to become the mogul he is.

    Lastly, you’re right, but it’s important to remember what he does have, and why - privilege, and lots of it (being a white man from a rich background, with a supportive family to boot? They all put his starting points miles ahead of most others), which he is given by white supremacist patriarchal capitalism, which is why he (and many others, even without the billions, privilege is one hell of a drug) will never work to end those systems and work towards creating a world where everyone has equitable access and opportunity.

  • Capitalist propaganda.

    “Aspiration” to be more precise, it’s one of the ways capitalists convince large segments of the public that they’re temporarily embarrassed millionaires, who just need to pull their bootstraps up hard enough, and they will make it, like the people in the programme did (conveniently they never address things like racism, sexism, queerphobia, ableism, and other barriers that many people have to face just to survive, never mind thrive, and the fact that all of these barriers are artificial and created by people who benefit just as much from dividing society up and pitting us against each other, as they do from selling us rags-to-riches bullshit to get us to work harder to make them money).

  • I can understand that in some countries cops can be seen as criminals (and are behaving like criminals), but I don’t think a generality should be made. Just like a generality shouldn’t be made about people from an origin all doing the same bad thing.

    ACAB, and you don’t get to compare your chosen profession to where people were born or the colour of their skin, nor try to claim victim points by pretending you are systemically oppressed and discriminated against in the same way we are (though your trying to does go to strengthen my first point).

    Fuck you, pig.

  • False neutrality

    All neutrality is false.

    “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

    -Desmond Tutu

    E: Also, if you knew anything about leftists, you’d know that we’re our own biggest critics. I also bet that you don’t demand anywhere near as high a standard when you consume your main stream centre-right media, which almost exclusively speak against the left, so it’s not like your short of sources for the criticism you want so desperately to confirm the (centre-right) bias you like to pretend you don’t have.