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Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • Bro he’ll never die. Chomsky will never die too. I’m serious. If Chomsky ‘stops living in his body’ his ideas for linguistics (not his political shit-flinging) will still be alive. When Knuth dies his programs and his algorithms and his books (especially his books) will still be alive. This is true about every single scientist or scholar. I did not even know Dijkstra was dead! He died when I was 9! But I just found it out, even though I love his works with C.A.R. Hoare, especially “Structured Programming”. I just might write a simple guide on the Hoare triple! So no scientists never die. Ken Thompson won’t die either. Bro will live in shell forever.

  • I learned most of these stuff (stuff as oblique as Martin Lohf’s System F, which most modern polymorphic types are derived from) on my own. I have ‘Handbook of Satisfiability’ put aside so I can learn how SAT/SMT solvers work. I need them for my electronics circuit simulator. Keep in mind that there are other NPSPACE and NPTIME solvers, for example, BDD solvers (Binary Decision Diagrams). BDD solvers are much easier if you wanna give it a try! People who say “you don’t need college” are seriously missing out on key stuff that helps them understand their day-to-day tasks. Like, in my self-studies, I learned about some neat, oblique stuff. For example, I learned about dataflow languages and Lucid. I learned about Church-Rosser’s confluence. I learned about Curry-Howard Isomorphism. I learned about so many cool stuff! I’m going back to college because college is cheap here, but I’m a 3rdie, college is cheap but even the cheapest college from the US or Europe is much better than “Payam Nur University” is it not? (That’s the college I’m going to, it’s state-funded studies for prisoners!) Also, Americans will have a much easier time getting into an European university. You guys could try that. College is almost-free for me but you guys have access to much better technological foundations in Silicon Valley. Here, you have to include your own batteries. For example, to fund my college (not the tuition, but I have to live right, and my uncle is having a hard time supporting a dozen people, sanctions are getting rough) I’m going to open up a ‘keyboard workshop’. Like I make mechanical keyboards and send it to people.

    So if you don’t wish/can’t study in college, there’s always self-study. This book began my journey, just like many others: Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3rd edition -- Michael Sipser

    You also need to read papers. So here’s your first homework: Find this book on Google Scholar. You’d be needing it _a lot _!

    It’s sort of a ‘meme’. Dip in. Self-learning is not ‘second bests’ of college students! Especially some shithole like mine. Imagine this, your computer is like a calculator. Use it to learn computation!


  • I’m talking about ‘light flashes’. I myself do not mind flashes, but this add-on can be used to block any event that could be user-unfriendly. There are ways to monetize it too! You can make a ‘Certified’ badge and have Youtubers buy an account and ‘Sanitize’ their Events. Otherwise, it could be a joint effort by everyone. People can vote whether this event is marked correctly. You get the gist! I would do this myself but I mostly do systems programming and language development. I honestly do not know where to begin, and I am not interested anyways! I think if you are a webdev looking for ideas, this is a solid one.

  • Yes, but what about both? Would that not carry you further? My portfolio has never landed me a job and I keep adding more and more stuff to it. Like atm I am working on a simple tree-walked interpreter for a Lua-like language with partial evaluation and hopefully meta-tracing. I still don’t think that would be enough, however, if I had a degree and even half of this portfolio, I would be set! Right?

    Here’s what I have so far btw: https://pastebin.com/wRATk4G4 it’s all in D.

    I would like to know your assessment as someone with firing/hiring power. Keep in mind that I have never done ‘aggressive applying’. I think I have applied for a job less than 10 times. I used to get jobs from my friends and I earned a good amount of money from it. But then my friends stopped having jobs to give me lol.

    I don’t even know what I’m doing, or why I’m doing things. Check out all the repositories that I have not listed in my README.md file. I just hope going to college would give me some sort of confidence? I’m not sure. I just feel less ‘sure’ about myself without a degree.

    Besides there’s the social element. I know I said the college is ‘self-study’ but labs are not. And I still get to ‘network’ with guys and gals who attend the same class on some messaging app don’t I. I’ve just been so lonely during the past 3 years since my brother kicked it.

    I know I should not have had prescribed it to everyone. I mean people have brains. If you have hit a slump in your life, try college. That’s all I can say.

  • Cool, but where’s the accreditation? At least Coursera has a bit of accreditation. Accreditation is very important. I quit my last college after 3 semesters because it was basically a meme college. It was very close to our home though. I’m going back after 5 years, not to the meme college, but to a much more accredited college. The special thing about this college is that it’s a state college (‘state’ referring to the country, I am not from US), and it’s got good rankings (+1000 but I never aimed for much!) but it’s very, very cheap because for non-lab classes, it’s basically “here’s a bunch of books, study them, and come back for tests”! I know this ‘seems’ like a meme college, but it’s truly not. It’s very accredited. That is why OP’s course might just help me. I have been studying like mad for the past 3 months. So I starred this. All this being said can e summed up in a single ‘thank you’. And an advice to others, go [back] to college. It’s the only way to get a job these days. The days of “self-taught wiz-kid” are over. Don’t worry if you are in your mid-20s, or early-30s like I am. Or even mid-30s or even if you are at death’s door. College is great.