Why I didn’t say will but should. But your emphasis is apt.
Why I didn’t say will but should. But your emphasis is apt.
Attorney here.
The original version of A New Hope should enter the public domain in 2072.
The Special Edition of A New Hope should enter the public domain in 2092.
The despecialized edition uses work from the special edition and would not be legally distributable until at least 2092. But as to your question on resolution, I do not believe copyright law would differentiate between a work bases solely on the published resolution. As the other comment suggests, A high res scan of the original A New Hope, if it exists, would be in the public domain in 2072.
Same and windows arm too
They just released photo backups on android
I have mint unlimited as well and can stream YouTube just fine at full resolution. I didn’t even know there was a supposed resolution limitation.
The issue with that is then the vertical tab bar is in the center wasting space.
Tried and just not as seamless and edge. The groupings and simplicity is killer. Currently running a variant of tst on Firefox and it is just ok.
Edge’s vertical tabs and splitscreen are killer features that I cannot replicate without issues on firefox or chrome.
Check your local library and Libby
My Subaru and every other car I’ve been in the disclaimer goes away if you don’t click it. I have clicked accept in two years.
I’ve heard of it but didn’t want to buy a Mac or trust a third party with my messages.
Apple would get so much more money out of me charging $20 a month to use imessage on windows/android vs waiting for me to replace my iphone. I get I am the rare user but by golly I wish they would go multi platform.
You can support it by buying physical or digital copies as well.
By the same token you can not support business practices. When my term is up I will cancel p+ and just buy the shows i want to watch instead.
I try to support the content I love. Not commenting on others actions but I do not sail the high seas. But I do think that modern content ownership is grey and we are going to be getting into issues where content is not available anywhere legally.
Not enjoying this new trend of removing content. Hopefully will be available to purchase.
I think this is why our rights for preservation of the media we own under the dmca is so important. Needs to be expanded on even.