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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • AI as in machine learning? No I dont think that’s bad. It’s a very useful technology that we’ve already been using for decades in a bunch of different fields. But I’m assuming you’re referring to LLMs which are what’s being integrated into Firefox.

    I would argue that LLMs ARE bad. For multiple reasons. At least the big ones run by these giant tech companies.

    If you’re locally running one with training data provided by you then I don’t see an issue with that really. (except maybe energy consumption issues. Though I don’t imagine a personal use LLM run locally would draw anywhere near the energy that something like Chat Gpt is drawing.)

    I’m very much on the side that believes that what these LLM models do essentially boils down to theft/plagiarism though. So if you disagree with that you may disagree that LLMs are bad.

  • I did. I’m not needing to switch. At least not right now. (hence the ‘may’ in my original comment) But given the Laura Chambers interim CEO thing and now this LLM integration. Mozilla seems to be making moves that I don’t agree with. But as long as they stay true to their key tennents I won’t need to switch. Which would be good. Because I really don’t want to. But I’ve seen a enough good companies become bad companies that I’m weary for the future of the app. So being aware of what alternatives may be out there would be helpful.

  • According to who? Halo CE anniversary is higher fidelity than the original sure. But the art direction is all over the place and not at all consistent with the original style. Not to mention the fact they changed the geometry of everything without actually changing collision. Making shots hit walls/trees/objects that are no longer in that spot.

    They also just took enemy models straight out of halo reach without any consideration for how those designs match the original games aesthetic.

    If you like it, great. I’m happy you’re able to enjoy it. But as someone who grew up with the original the anniversary version was a slap in the face and a blatant cash grab.

    That being said I don’t have much faith that a new remake would be much better.

  • The Yuzu devs did quite a bit wrong. For starters they were selling access to early builds of Yuzu (making ~$30,000/month) and allegedly promoting piracy on their discord servers (specifically they were helping people play Totk before it came out last year iirc). These were the things Nintendo went after yuzu for. If they had just released their emulator for free while stating they didn’t support piracy (and actually maintained that viewpoint), Just like how every other emulator does it, I highly doubt Nintendo would have ever gone after them.

    If you keep your hands clean as an emulator dev and don’t release any copyrighted material there’s nothing Nintendo can do to you. At least that’s what the past has shown.

  • Imo TE has always been a shady company in terms of business decisions. I still for the life of me cannot understand why the OP-1 is over 2 grand. It’s a music making machine with a cruddy keybed that’s not even volocity sensitive that’s also intentionally limited in terms of how you can use it.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. I definitely think it’s a cool little device capable of doing cool things. But there’s no way in hell this tiny thing is worth 2k. You can spend 1/4th of the price on something like an elektron Digitakt or a polyend play and get very similar functionality in an arguably better more robust package.

    TE are a boutique company that intentionally releases overpriced products so they can have this reputation of being a “premium” company. Just like Apple. If it weren’t for their pocket operators (which are arguably closer to being toys than actual audio equipment) I wouldn’t think they’d have anything remotely worth buying.

    Side note: the playdate looks adorable. But, similarly to the OP-1, is very overpriced for what it does.