• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Ah yes.

    The group of men, which granted IS larger than it should be, that say stupid shit like this online or in person is not representative of men in GENERAL.

    If I sat there and tried to bring out the worst characteristics my exes had for ALL women, I would be as much of an asshole as this comic creator is.

    There will, unfortunately, ALWAYS be bad actors in the human race. Those that get their kicks from saying stupid shit like the man in this comic, because they have nothing better in life to do and probably hate their life so much that they do and say the stupid shit they do because they are broken people in one way or another.

    Does that mean that all men are the same? No, of course not, and it’s kind of silly to even think that way to begin with.

    Are all women as horrible, cheating and uncaring as my exes? No, of course not! I have a beautiful and caring woman in my life now who treats me well!

    I think we sometimes let the minority outclass the majority, especially when trying to spin a narrative that basically ends up being: All men = bad All women = bad All white people = bad All black people = bad

    The reality is, folks, that you need to keep the bigger picture in your mind at all times.

    Did that group of people on an online forum act in bad faith? Yes? Then move on, and let their toxicity eat away at them until they no longer exist in this world. By giving them your time, and letting them upset you, you are doing exactly what they are wanting, which is to cause chaos and dissent for no real reason other than getting a rise out of someone or to fool someone else into thinking the same way.

  • What I truly don’t understand is why the negative eggs that you WILL ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, read it again, ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, gets so much mental attention than the many more people who are actively applauding you and saying their thanks and giving you their praises.

    I will never understand the focusing on the negative I guess. It’d be easy as fuck for me to ignore people’s assholeishness while still taking their badly typed criticism and improving (if I reasonably can).

    Shit, it makes me feel like the fucking champ when some random persons says thanks for something I did, and I laugh and ignore the ones who don’t like what I do.

    But hey, if focusing on the few negatives instead of the mountains of praise is what you want to do, it’s all yours.

  • Well, considering I’m on iOS and gave it no access to anything, and I would never use it to upload anything to begin with, these issues do not pertain to me. I don’t link accounts on it, and the email is a burner email that iOS made for me to specifically use for that app.

    I think a lot of these privacy concerns are more for people who actually want to use it for posting or making videos. Then I would be worried about all the data. I give them nothing, no real names or anything. So, I would say I’m okay. 👍

  • Well, considering I’m on iOS and gave it no access to anything, and I would never use it to upload anything to begin with, these issues do not pertain to me. I don’t link accounts on it, and the email is a burner email that iOS made for me to specifically use for that app.

    I think a lot of these privacy concerns are more for people who actually want to use it for posting or making videos. Then I would be worried about all the data. I give them nothing, no real names or anything. So, I would say I’m okay. 👍

  • Well, considering I’m on iOS and gave it no access to anything, and I would never use it to upload anything to begin with, these issues do not pertain to me. I don’t link accounts on it, and the email is a burner email that iOS made for me to specifically use for that app.

    I think a lot of these privacy concerns are more for people who actually want to use it for posting or making videos. Then I would be worried about all the data. I give them nothing, no real names or anything. So, I would say I’m okay. 👍

  • Let me just say that I learned more useful and interesting things than I ever did on any other social media platform to date. I also haven’t had a Facebook insta or any of that ilk since 2015. Reddit, then TikTok, then here at Lemmy is all I’ve had since then.

    I found lots of videos giving me awesome facts about animals I never learned in school or elsewhere! (A opossum is naturally immune to rabies and is actually good for your wildlife area!)

    I learned multiple ways to make things easier on myself, some being: car maintenance, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, acceptance of others and of myself, and laws and politics (that they then give you multiple sources for or show you the website or place they got their info) just to name a few!

    While I still get videos that I find funny, most of them have been actually beneficial to me which I couldn’t believe I had been hating on TikTok for so long because I thought it was just dumbass pranks or mindless drivel like “satisfying” videos or whatever.

    I’m not saying use it, because I haven’t in a few weeks, but it can actually give you really good and quality content.