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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Doctors are not individual practitioners and cannot normally decide to go off on their own doing a procedure that they were not specifically trained to do (doctors are trained in procedures during their residency and in CTE). Unless they are offered a course in this new method, the hospital would not authorize them to perform that new procedure. The best way to get this care would be to travel or to lobby the hospital to train staff on this new methodology.

  • It has nothing to do with Palestine’s role in the conflict. It has to do with postwar Britain’s unbelievable power to redraw boarders at a whim. While I don’t agree with the way they were drawn, I don’t think it’s morally correct to cherrypick which borders to redraw. Whether it’s fair or not, postwar Britain made choices that we all live with today. Unfortunately for Palestine, that meant that they were subject to the whim of a global superpower, which is why they lost their land and why Israel exists today.

  • The more I look into this conflict, the more I go back and forth on my position lmao. Essentially, yes, you have it right. However, you’re trivializing the post WW2 mandate for Israel. The entire world was carved up post WW2, and I don’t think it’s correct to say that this particular mandate should be reneged. If you look at it objectively, there was a ton of land transfer post WW2, so you’ll have to argue why Israel in particular should be repossessed.

    Practicality-wise, Israel is a fairly progressive country that upholds LGBT rights, religious freedom (mostly), has a democratic government, etc. Palestine on its own would be just like any other Arab state and would not be as pro-human rights.