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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Thats the catch 22 of America, its “good” except when its not, and like 60% of Americans are one missed paycheck away from it being “not” - And once you’re there this country hates you and does everything it can to make sure you stay fucked.

    See: SCOTUS ruling the other day that you can’t illegalize homelessness but you CAN illegalize homeless behaviors like sleeping outside or in a tent.

    (Because since pot is increasingly legal we have to bolster those legal slavery numbers somehow!)

  • I’m open to to the fact that (like basically anything) it DOES happen at some point, somewhere. The problem with taking the people complaining that its this big systemic push to purge them seriously is even the examples THEY give usually show themselves just being twats.

    Also, as many people love screaming at me about “receipts,” if you’re getting banned left and right just for sharing a source and you’re so enraged that you’re taking up arms, where’s the modlog entries?

    Then, if it IS being mad that they’re being moderated for getting shitty and acting like a cunt - could I go into their house and start pissing all over whatever they’re about? Conservative spaces LOVE hyper moderation when it aligns with them, as I mentioned previously go find an instance that aligns with your shtick - that’s the whole Lemmy thing.

  • I think blocking entire instances is inevitable, but the choices various instance owners make in doing so will help shape where the chips fall in the long run in terms of where people end up settling in - someone with leftist tendencies won’t want to set up shop on an instance that defeds all the leftist instances, for example.

    A lot of people call for outright defederation because they came from reddit so they want that more singular level of authority/moderation. Whereas (purely hypothetical, haven’t been on reddit in a long gkme) a pro Palestinian sub could be banned because reddit took a pro - Israel stance, on Lemmy if .world bans my community I can take it to Ml, and they HATE that.

  • I’m not familiar with Voat. I’m not sure how it’d apply to something like Lemmy (probably fall on instance owners I guess) but the problem every “ultimate free speech TM” platform runs into is that laws exist and certain things are just illegal. 🤷

    The most notable thing about people who complain this loudly about moderation that doesn’t skew their way, is that they dont want LESS moderation - They want moderation that skews to their viewpoints. They complain about being banned on ml for saying “fuck you tankie” or other dismissive nonsense, but if you visit THEIR spaces and politely disagree and provide sources you’ll get banned quicker than anyone here but none of them cry about free speech when it happens on their turf.