• 10 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023

  • I’ll be honest, I’m a straight import from Reddit HFY, and always saw HFY as a subversion of the “humans are the boring, weak race” you’ll see in fantasy and sci-fi, so HWTF stuff would absolutely count as HFY to me, even if it wouldn’t always be to my particular tastes. It would not count as HFY to this community, which limits HFY to more uplifting/positive stuff, which is understandable because a lot of people want their HWTF marked and labeled as such. Although I don’t think we have caught on on the Fediverse to the point we can afford to have a split-off HWTF community yet.

  • Yeah, I realized some of my “hey look they moved to RoyalRoad!” announcements probably should have gone in the External Links thread after checking the rules a bit ago. Sorry about that. Something something Kbin not handling posts that weren’t originally federated to it well (I know of Lemmy’s “paste the URL to force-fetch the post” solution, don’t think it works on Kbin right now. But perhaps they updated Kbin and it does…). At the time I made some of those posts I think I literally could not post on the External Links thread without using a Lemmy account instead of my Kbin one, so I just made a separate post. But I could be misremembering the timeline on this and just have violated the rules when it was possible to follow them and still post on External Links. Won’t happen again.

    Can I just have a plain “yes” or “no” on reposting deleted content from authors who also deleted their account?

  • Thanks for writing, I enjoyed it! Although I do not enjoy when fellow humans do this. If you’re not going to be the only one sitting there, throw it in the trash. Accidentally touching gum that has probably been in someone else’s mouth… not fun. I also say this as someone who just does not like gum though.

    “Uhm, sorry, instinct…” grunted the portly Globtroq “Never seen such buttons. Don’t know.”

    probably want a comma or period after Globtroq

    Always doing something incredible stupid in a brilliant way or something brilliant in an incredible stupid way.

    incredible should be incredibly both times

    Bert finished, tossing the manual annoyed into a corner.

    Bert finished, tossing the manual into a corner, annoyed.

    pilots chair


    “NOTHING!” squeaked Bert

    again, comma or period after Bert

    Bert, that is human.

    either a human or Human. The reason for the capital letters would be because he’s using the word human as the guy’s name, and we capitalize names.

    “Uhm, I have an assumption” Max stated “can I visit the cockpit for a moment?”

    First of all, most people would not say assumption here. They might say idea or hypothesis or theory (yes, not correct use of the scientific term, but people talk that way anyways) or feeling. Second of all,

    “Uhm, I have an assumption.” Max stated “Can I visit the cockpit for a moment?” (note new period and new capital letter) or “Uhm, I have an assumption,” Max stated, “can I visit the cockpit for a moment?” (note two new commas)

    pilot chair “Cherry

    pilot chair, “Cherry

    “Gentlebeings.” Max announced dramatically, "the individual

    I really think it’s The, because Max is starting a new sentence, but I am nowhere near as confident on this one as I am on my other corrections so take this one with a grain of salt.

  • “Loan shark” definitely has dangerous connotations for me, but it also has predatory-trashy-seedy-run-down connotations to me, not respectful ones. No idea why. “Usury” is totally Biblical, by the way:

    But if he begets a son who is violent and commits murder, or does any of these things, even though the father does none of them—a son who eats on the mountains, defiles the wife of his neighbor, oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery, does not give back a pledge, raises his eyes to idols, does abominable things, lends at interest and exacts usury—this son certainly shall not live.

    —Ezekiel 18:10–13

    As a person who used to spend a lot of time on AO3, it was always used more for fanworks than original works. I’ll be honest, I never seek out originals on AO3. I only ever used it for fanfic and it’ll probably continue to be that way for me. Although I have no idea why it is not picking up on RoyalRoad. I also use that site, but not as often or as heavily as I used to use AO3.

    Also, thanks for the tip. I never even considered that I might be getting shadow banned. Lucky for me, I explicitly mentioned Lemmy and saw upvotes and a reply—probably because I only said “lemmy” and not a specific site, and well… lemmy.world is not the only kind of Lemmy around (I think it’s the name of some famous person? My mind immediately jumps to “lemmings” though). I also just checked my old post advertising here and what actually happened is that a mod also replied saying I violated a rule against standalone advertising. But the shadow ban tip is good, especially because I wasn’t aware it would happen. I’ll be careful to not drop the lemmy.world URL.

  • Oh hey! I saw this one on Reddit first, pleased to see it here too. I remember you provided original content to this community, thanks for coming back!


    Haven’t seen that word in a long time, props for using it! I have no idea how to say that without seeming like a condescending fourth grade teacher, but I just honestly think it’s cool I stumbled across that word in the wild again today thanks to your story.

    I do often see alien POVs talking about humans, but usually just from the viewpoint of one species or one alien. Several alien species conversing about humans as the main way we are exposed to humans, in a one-shot, is more unique and I appreciate it.

    Kind of sad that HFY is mostly congregated on Reddit. I posted several months back in r/HFY about getting everyone over to HFY on the Fediverse, and I think my post was removed by mods. I can upvote my own r/HFY posts that are older than it, but the voting buttons are greyed out and stuck at 1 upvote for that post.

  • You made a typo: “Altough” instead of “Although”. You’re also missing a space after the period in “plots.Note”.

    “You” should not be capitalized unless it is the first word in the sentence. You have it capitalized inappropriately in several places on the itch.io page. Your typos and your consistent English mistake with “you” makes me think there might be other English errors in the game. This is a text-based game, where I will spend most of my time reading. I don’t want to spend my time reading things that have lots of English errors. And I don’t think I’m the only potential player who decides not to play because of your English mistakes. I didn’t comb through your post specifically looking for errors to pick on, I honestly just noticed them without trying to and found them distracting and annoying. I’m human, I make mistakes and typos too, but I’m also not promoting a game whose gameplay involves lots of reading.

    I don’t want to be mean, but you did ask for feedback so I feel it’s appropriate to share this. I do love the concept of playing as a villain protagonist, it’s what made me click on your post in the first place.