• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Pretty much no games, at this point. I’ve been buying up every game(worth owning, to me) on Steam sales, humble bundle, and other means. The last year or two, I’ve just been buying the new games I want at full price on steam, or waiting for sales if I don’t want it that much. The only game I still refuse to buy is The Sims 4, for that one time every other year that I want to boot into a heavily modded Sims game to play Sims Orgy Simulator 6969™. But even the other dumb hentai waifu nonsense games, I just buy on Steam (half of which are my gf’s, but she refuses to buy them on her own damn account), even though they are easily obtained at the usual locations.

  • When I was 7, I got brought to the school library and told to pick a book to read over the summer. I picked The Hobbit. I got told no. I Insisted. Read that, then moved on lotr. I then read those I don’t know how many more times over the years. As far as I remember, those are the only books I ever bothered to read more than once. Not counting listening to the audio books at work, as well.

  • Why do all of the comments make it seem like people think that someone asked chatgpt to write a George Carlin routine or whatever? A human person, not a computer, wrote some comedy in (what they felt) was in the style of George Carlin. The technology portion of this was the cloning of Carlin’s voice to “perform” the routine. And you can feel however you want about either part of that. I mean, seems like you’d have to be pretty far up your own ass to think you can just put your own words into the mouth of someone else, especially someone who is no longer in a position to call you a fucking idiot, or not. But the story that people are commenting on, sure seems to be quite different to the actual events that occurred.

    As far as the actual story, they know what they did. They know full well that they could have actually did a Carlin impersonation if they had wanted. They could have written their material, went up on stage, said exactly want they were doing, performed their bit, dressed up for the part, hitting as many of the mannerisms as they could. A real, actual, proper attempt at an impersonation. They could have done that, and almost no one would have cared. A few people might have been upset about it, as there always are. But largely, no one would have batted an eye.

    But they didn’t do that. They did this. They did this, knowing full well that the claim of it being an “impersonation” was bullshit. And knowing full well what the response would be. And it was exactly the response they wanted. All of the attention and outrage they are getting directed at them right now? That was the point.

  • The couple of streamers I watch regularly, all post thier streams to YouTube the next day, so I watch there. I do still have a twitch account, so I can use the free sub I get with Amazon prime to sub to one of them. Not much, but better than nothing, as they don’t have a patreon account. A secondary reason for maintaining that twitch account is to reserve my particular username, just in case.

    In terms of twitch chat and/or interactivity, I just could not possibly care less. I use FreeTube for all of my YouTube watching, these days, and I keep comments completely turned off. On the rare occasion I do actually watch something live on twitch, I have chat completely hidden.

  • Facebook marketplace is the only place I’ve been able to actually sell anything for at least a couple of years now. Craigslist used to be the shit, now it’s just shit. OfferUp is absolute trash. Let go was pretty good, but got bought out and shut down by OfferUp a while back. Unfortunately, FB might be the best place, for now. I can’t wait until I can finish selling off all of the stuff I need to get rid of. It’s the only reason I haven’t fully deleted my FB account yet.

  • Back in the day, people(old people lol) were willing to pay you to make a custom screensaver with pictures of their grandkids, their cat, and that one time they did that obviously hilarious thing in that one picture. Whip up a quick screensaver, stop by their house, copy it over and set it as the screensaver in Windows, here’s $20. Well, I used my grandmother’s desktop one time to make a quick one, because she asked me to for one of her family members, and when I popped a disk in to make a copy, she asked me what I was doing. I explained I was copying the file to give it to the person in question, and she proceeded to have a meltdown, throwing a fit about how I was “taking something out of her computer” and how “it wasn’t [my] computer” and I had no right to “sell things out of it.” As you can imagine, I was wasting my time when I tried to explain that copying a file was not removing something from her computer. She spent a good 45 minutes on her tantrum, and never did change her mind. The other person did get thier screensaver, though. So I guess she just continued to believed that I literally ripped a piece of hardware out of her computer and gave it away.

  • I’ve had this happen to me at least once on every distro I’ve tried to use long term (longer than let’s say a month or two). Most recently was about this time last year. Luckily it was on my second computer, and I was still maintaining a full Windows install on my primary gaming system, so I didn’t really lose anything. Just reinstalled Windows on the second computer and tossed it in the closet until I decide what to do with it, and switched back to using the other system for all tasks instead of just gaming.

    Conversely, all of the non-desktop systems that run some form of Linux(my NAS TrueNAS, my other NAS running unraid, multiple mini file/web servers, similar systems) are all rock solid. The only one that gets borked regularly, is the little system I use for testing out random shit(mostly Docker stuff) before installing on one of the other systems.

    It’s about that time of the year where I take a trip around all of the major distros that I’ve run over the years and see what they look like, and if they have any new features that will compel me to try them out again. Probably start with Garuda, since I really did like their distro list time I tried it out. Maybe I’ll intentionally break the system and see how much of a pain in the ass, or not, the default btrfs/snapshot setup they use is.

  • Run updates without me having to worry that “whoops, an update was fucked, and the system is not unbootable anymore. Enjoy the next 6 hours of begging on forums for someone to help you figure out what happened, before being told that the easiest solution is to just wipe your drive and do a fresh install, while you get berated by strangers for not having the entirety of the Linux kernel source code committed to memory.”