Does it matter? Endlessly pontificating about the true nature of reality serves no purpose. If I’m driving and I’m about to hit a tree, reality doesn’t give a single fuck if I consider “well maybe the tree isn’t really there. How can I truly know?”
Like, I was talking with a guy and he was saying shit about how can we truly know that what I say is the color green is the same as what you see? It just feels mastubatory. It’s what words are for. If that guy asks me to go to the store and buy forest green paint from a certain brand and I come back with forest green paint from that brand he’s not going to worry about whether or not we see the exact same shade.
There Is a game call Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADoM) that has been around since the early 90’s. It’s a traditional Roguelike that I picked up and started playing in 2003 and I have yet to actually beat the game. I have thousands of hours on it in Steam and much much more than that before the Steam release and I have yet to actually win. It’s hard.